- Eucamerotus
name = "Eucamerotus"
fossil_range =Lower Cretaceous
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis =Sauropsid a
superordo =Dinosaur ia
ordo =Saurischia
subordo =Sauropodomorpha
infraordo =Sauropoda
unranked_familia =Macronaria
familia = unknown
genus = "Eucamerotus"
genus_authority = Hulke, 1871
species = "E. foxi"
species_authority = Blows, 1995"Eucamerotus" (meaning "well-chambered" in reference to the hollows of the vertebrae) was a
genus ofsauropod dinosaur from theBarremian -ageLower Cretaceous Wessex Formation (Wealden ) of theIsle of Wight ,England . It is known fromvertebra l remains, and a partial skeleton has been referred, although this has not been accepted. It is one of several sauropods that is part of the complicated "Ornithopsis "-"Pelorosaurus " taxonomic tangle of fragmentaryLate Jurassic -Early Cretaceous -ageEurope an sauropods.History and Taxonomy
John Hulke named the genus from several partial dorsal vertebrae:holotype BMNH R2522 (a neural arch), andparatype s BMNH R89 (two dorsals), BMNH R90 (two dorsal vertebrae), and BMNH R2524 (a dorsal from a juvenile).Hulke, J.W. (1871). Appendix to a "note on a new and undescribed Weaden vertebra". "Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London" 28:36-37.] Naish, D., and Martill, D.M. (2001). Saurischian dinosaurs 1: Sauropods. In: Martill, D.M., and Naish, D. (eds.). "Dinosaurs of the Isle of Wight." The Palaeontological Association:London 185-241. ISBN 0-901707-72-2] He did not provide it with a species name, and within a few years thought that it was the same as "Ornithopsis hulkei".Hulke, J.W. (1879). Note (3rd) on ("Eucamerotus", Hulke) "Ornithopsis", H. G. Seeley, = "Bothriospondylus magnus" Owen, = "Chondrosteosaurus magnus", Owen. "Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London" 35:752-762.] Other authors preferred "Pelorosaurus " as a synonym.von Huene, F. (1909). Skizze zu einer Systematik und Stammesgeschichte der Dinosaurier. "Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie" 1909:12-22. [German] ] Romer, A.S. (1956). "Osteology of the Reptiles". University of Chicago Press:Chicago 1-772. ISBN 0-89464985-X] Steel, R. (1970). Part 14. Saurischia. "Handbuch der Paläoherpetologie/Encyclopedia of Paleoherpetology". Part 14. Gustav Fischer Verlag:Stuttgart p. 1-87.]William T. Blows resurrected the genus in 1995 as a validbrachiosaurid , added the species name "foxi" (originally spelled "foxii"), selected BMNH R2522 as the type specimen, and referred additional vertebrae and partialskeleton MIWG-BP001 to it.Blows, W.T. (1995). The Early Cretaceous brachiosaurid dinosaurs "Ornithopsis" and "Eucamerotus" from the Isle of Wight, England. "Palaeontology" 38(1):187-197.] This last point has not been generally accepted;Upchurch, P.M., Barrett, P.M., and Dodson, P. (2004). Sauropoda. In: Weishampel, D.B., Dodson, P., and Osmólska, H. (eds.). "The Dinosauria" (2nd edition). University of California Press:Berkeley 259-322. ISBN 0-520-24209-2] unfortunately, this skeleton has never been officially described. Naish and Martill (2001) suggested it was a dubious brachiosaurid, and did not find Blows' characters convincing. Upchurch "et al." (2004) considered it to be a dubious sauropod. Santucci and Bertini (2005), however, suggested it was atitanosauria n.Santucci, R.M., and Bertini, R.J. (2005). On the phylogenetic relationships of "Eucamerotus foxi" (Sauropoda, Saurischia), from Wessex Formation, Lower Cretaceous, England (UK). In: Kellner, A.W.A., Henriques, D.D.R., and Rodrigues, T. (eds.). "II Congresso Latino-Americano de Paleontologia de Vertebrados, Boletim de Resumos". Museum Nacional/UFRJ:Rio de Janeiro, 242-243.]Darren Naish , as of July 2006, considered it to be a brachiosaurid [http://darrennaish.blogspot.com/2006/07/angloposeidon-unreported-story-part-iv.html] .Paleobiology
If a brachiosaurid, "Eucamerotus" may have been around 15 m (49.2 ft) long, small for a sauropod. As any kind of sauropod, it would have been a
quadruped alherbivore .References
External links
* [http://darrennaish.blogspot.com/2006/02/lots-of-sauropods-or-just-few.html Darren Naish on Wealden sauropod diversity]
* [http://darrennaish.blogspot.com/2006/07/angloposeidon-unreported-story-part-iv.html More on Wealden sauropods]
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