

name = "Basutodon"
fossil_range = Late Triassic
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Sauropsida
infraclassis = Archosauromorpha
unranked_ordo = Crurotarsi
ordo = ?Rauisuchia
familia = unknown
genus = "Basutodon"
genus_authority = von Huene, 1932
binomial = "Basutodon ferux"
binomial_authority = von Huene, 1932

"Basutodon" was a genus of rauisuchian archosaur from the late Carnian-early Norian-age Upper Triassic Lower Elliot Formation of Lesotho.von Huene, F. (1932). Die fossile Reptil-Ordnung Saurischia, ihte Entwicklung und Geschichte. "Monographien zur Geologie und Palaeontologie" 1(4). 361 p. [German] ] It is based on teeth that were once confused with prosauropod remains, as with "Teratosaurus". Because of this, it is sometimes listed in older dinosaur books as an early theropod,Lambert, D. (1983). "A Field Guide to Dinosaurs." Avon Books:New York, p. 74. ISBN 0-380-83519-3.] or as a synonym of "Euskelosaurus". It was probably neither of these things, though, and is much more likely to be a dubious non-dinosaur.Glut, D.F. (1997). “Excluded Genera”, "Dinosaurs: The Encyclopedia." McFarland & Company:Jefferson, North Carolina, 1005-1010. ISBN 0-89950-917-7.]


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