- Diplomáticos (cigar brand)
Diplomáticos is the name of a premium
cigar brand, produced on the island ofCuba forHabanos SA , the Cuban state-owned tobacco company.History
Though Cohiba may have the distinction of being the first post-Revolution cigar brand created, no one knew of the brand outside of higher-ranking Cuban officials, the "torcedores" (cigar rollers) that made them, and foreign dignitaries lucky enough to be given a box as a diplomatic present. The first new brand of cigars to come out of Cuba after the Revolution was Diplomáticos.
Diplomáticos was initially created as a "value" Montecristo, primarily aimed towards the French cigar market. The Diplomáticos line mimics the original Montecristo line in having five numbered sizes, all handmade. The blend used for this line is milder than that used for Montecristo, most likely to cater to the taste of French cigar smokers, and nowadays is usually still a bit cheaper in price than corresponding Montecristo sizes.
The original line consisted of five numbered sizes, corresponding to Montecristo. In 1976, the No. 6 and No. 7 were introduced to the line and were the same size as the Montecristo Especial No. 1 and Especial No. 2, but were discontinued a few years later in the mid-1980's.
"Vitolas" in the Diplomáticos Line
The following list of "vitolas" (sizes) within the Diplomáticos line lists their measurements in Imperial and metric, their "vitolas de galera" (factory name), and their conventional name in American cigar slang.
"Hand-Made Vitolas"
* No. 1 - 6 1/2" x 42 (165 x 16.67 mm) Cervantes, a lonsdale
* No. 2 - 6 1/8" x 52 (156 x 20.64 mm) Pirámide, a pyramid or torpedo
* No. 3 - 5 5/8" x 42 (142 x 16.67 mm) Corona, a corona
* No. 4 - 5 1/8" x 42 (129 x 16.67 mm) Mareva, a petit corona
* No. 5 - 4" x 40 (102 x 15.87 mm) Perla, a tres petit coronaReferences
* Nee, Min Ron - "An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Post-Revolution Havana Cigars" (2003, Reprinted: 2005), ISBN 3-9809308-2-3
See also
Cigar brands External links
* [http://www.habanos.com Official website of Habanos S.A.]
* [http://www.cigars-review.org/cigars/Diplomaticos.htm Reviews of Diplomaticos Cigars]
* [http://www.stogieonline.com/category/good-cigars/ All about better cigars] Better Cigar Ref.
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