- Abadia de Goiás
Abadia de Goiás is a small
town andmunicipality in centralGoiás state,Brazil , located on the western edge of the Goiânia metropolitan area.Geographical Data
The distance to
Goiânia is 27 km. and highway connections are made by BR-060.Neighboring municipalities are:
*north and east:Trindade
*south:Aragoiânia Demographic and Political Data
*Population density: 40.07 inhab/km² (2007)
*Urban population: 3,963 (2007)
*Rural population: 1,905 (2007)
*Eligible voters in 2007: 4683
*City government in 2005: mayor (Antomar Moreira dos Santos), vice-mayor (Maria Lúcia das Graças Matias), and 09 councilpersons
*Households: 1,398 (2000)
*Households earning less than 01 minimum salary: 872 (2000)Economy
The economy is based on services, government jobs, small industries, cattle raising, poultry, and agriculture.
Main Enterprises
*agriculture: 04 units employing 42 workers
*transformation industry: 13 units employing 53 workers
*construction: 07 units employing 21 workers
*commerce: 57 units employing 142 workers
*real estate: 31 units employing 62 workers
*education: 03 units employing 12 workers
*health: 04 units employing 07 workers
*public administration: 03 units employing 168 workers(IBGE 2003)The cattle herd consisted of 17,460 head, of which 1,930 were milking cows (2006). The main agricultural products were rice, manioc, and corn.
Health and Education
*Infant mortality rate in 2000: 27.70 (28.50 in 1990)
*Literacy rate in 2000: 89.2There were no hospitals in 2007. There were 06 schools with an enrollment of 1,810.Source: [http://www.ibge.gov.br/ IBGE]Human Development Index : 0.742
*State ranking: 101 (out of 242 municipalities)
*National ranking: 2,112 (out of 5,507 municipalities)ee also
List of municipalities in Goiás References
* [http://www.ibge.gov.br/ IBGE]
* [http://www.seplan.go.gov.br/ Seplan]
* [http://www.frigoletto.com.br/GeoEcon/idhgo.htm Frigoletto]
* [http://www.citybrazil.com.br/ City Brazil]
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