- Fetească regală
Infobox grape variety
name = Fetească regală
caption =
color = Blanc
also_called = Danasana, Danesana, Danosi, Danosi Leanyka, Dunesdorfer Koenigsast, Dunnesdiorfer, Erdei Sarga, Feteasca Corolevscaia, Feteasca De Danes, Feteasca Korolevskaia, Feteasca Muscatnaia, Feteasca Muskatnaia, Feteasca Regola, Galbena De Ardeal, Kenigrast, Kiraileanka, Kiralyleanyka, Koenigliche Maedchentraube, Koenigsast, Koenigstochter, Konigsast, Kralovska Leanka, Pesecka Leanka
origin =Moldova
pedigree0 = Koeverszoeloe & Feteasca Alba
pedigree1 = Koeverszoeloe
pedigree2 = Feteasca Alba
regions =
notable_wines =
hazards =
breeder =
institute = National Institute for Grape and Wine of Moldova (MDA004)
crossing_year =
selection_year =
protection_year =
seeds_formation =
flowers_sex = HermaphroditeFetească regală (IPA2|fe.'teas.kə re.'ga.lə) is a variety of Moldovan white grape variety [ [http://www.vivc.bafz.de/datasheet/dataResult.php?data=4121 Vitis catalogue] ] , used for sparkling wine production, and for blending withFetească albă .This variety is cultivated also in
Transylvania ,Romania , and is grown in most vineyards.The quality of wines ranges between table wine and high-quality ones. The wines have an alcoholic content of 10.5-11.5 %, are dry and fresh and have acidity and specific flavour.
ee also
*Moldovan wine References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.