- Tawwakul
Tawwakul ( _ar. توكُل) is an
Arabic language word for theIslam ic concept of trusting inAllah 's plan. Tawwakul is a response to hardship in one's life, and such hardship is usually faced through fasting, reflection, and prayer.Many Muslims reject medical conceptions of
mental illness , because of the social stigma attached to mental conditions, instead focusing on the concept of tawwakul. [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/05/nyregion/05imam.html?pagewanted=6]Verses
*And when someone puts all his trust in Allah, He will be enough for him. (65:3)
*And put all your trust [in Allah] , if you are indeed believers. (5:23)External links
* [http://sisters-magazine.com/index.php?controller=information&information_id=35 Tawakkul]
* [http://www.al-baz.com/shaikhabdalqadir/Books_and_Text_of_Wisdom/Al-Ghunya_li-Talibi_Tariq_al-H/Al-Ghunya_li-Talibi_Tariq_al-H/al-ghunya_li-talibi_tariq_al-h2.htm Shaikh Abdal Qadir on Tawwakul]
* [http://www.adduonline.com/articles/concepts.htm Tawwakul at Adduonline]
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