

Quilpué is called by the locals "Ciudad del Sol" (City of the sun) because compared to Valparaíso (only 30 minutes away) it has a lot more sunny days. It has excellent train, highway and road connections to Viña del Mar and Valparaíso. Since housing is cheaper in Quilpué, thousands of people commute every day to the coastal cities.

Local attractions include a zoo (one of only three in Chile), and the rural settings of Colliguay and the Marga-Marga Valley, both with basic facilities for camping and hiking.

City facts

*Surface area: 537 km²
*Population: 128,579 (67,249 females and 61,329 males) - 8.35% of the 5th Region's population.
*Urban population: 98.69%
*Rural population: 1.31%
*(Source: 2002 census) [http://www.sinim.gov.cl/ReportNac2003.asp?comuna=05106 Summary of the City's statistics as reported by the Chilean Government]


Indigenous peoples had settled the area long before Governor Pedro de Valdivia gave the land to Rodrigo de Araya in 1547. Mining was the main economic activity for many years, until the land was further divided in the 17th century.

Local Government

The city hall is located at 684 Vicuña Mackenna. The current mayor is Mauricio Viñambres Adasme.

Educational Institutions

Campus housing part of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso Faculty of Engineering is located in the suburb of Población Valencia and Universidad Santo Tomas is located en Paso Hondo

External links

* [http://www.quilpue.cl Quilpué's Official web site]

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