RTL Boulevard

RTL Boulevard

RTL Boulevard is a daily television programme on the Dutch broadcasting station RTL 4. It was set up as a television equivalent of a tabloid, with a lot of airy subjects, news items and gossip about the stars, fashion and criminality. The programme is renowned for its sarcastic and cynical tone.

From the beginning in 2001, Beau van Erven Dorens was the main presenter. He was supported by his co-presenter Albert Verlinde and a daily rotating "expert". On April 1 2005 Beau Van Erven Dorens went to Talpa television station and Daphne Bunskoek (formerly a presenter of the morning program of the Dutch public television) has taken over his place. Regular returning co-presenters are:
* Peter van der Vorst (royalty)
* Marc van der Linden (royalty)
* John van den Heuvel (crime)
* Abraham Moszkowicz (crime, law)
* Irene van de Laar (fashion/lifestyle)
* Fiona Hering (fashion/lifestyle)

On November 16, 2006, Dutch prime-minister Jan-Peter Balkenende got his chance at executive editing and presenting the program, in run-up to the 2006 general elections. [http://www.rtl.nl/(/actueel/rtlboulevard/entertainment/)/components/actueel/rtlboulevard/2006/10_oktober/entertainment/061016_balkenende.xml]

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