Spacecraft Operations, The Launch and Early Orbit Phase is one of the most critical phases of a mission. Spacecraft operationsengineers take control of thesatellite after it separates from thelaunch vehicle up to the time when the satellite is safely positioned in its finalorbit .During this period, operations staff works 24 hours a day to activate, monitor and control the various
subsystems of the satellite, including the deployment of any satellite appendages (antennas ,solar array,reflector etc.), and undertake critical orbit andattitude control manoeuvres.For
geostationary satellites , the launch vehicle typically carries the spacecraft to Geostationary Transfer Orbit, or GTO. From thiselliptical orbit, the LEOP generally includes a sequence ofapogee engine firings to reach the circulargeostationary orbit .References
* [http://www.esa.int/spacecraftops/ESOC-Article-fullArticle_item_selected-21_5_00_par-47_1091629029389.html ESA Spacecraft Operations website]
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