Alexei Seliverstov

Alexei Seliverstov

Alexei Seliverstov (sometimes listed as Aleksey Seliverstov, born July 24, 1976) is a Russian bobsledder who has competed since 1996. Competing in three Winter Olympics, he won the silver medal in the four-man event with teammates Philippe Egorov, Alexandre Zoubkov, and Alexey Voevoda at Turin in 2006.

Seliverstov also won two medals in the four-man event at the FIBT World Championships with a silver in 2005 and a bronze in 2003.


* [ Bobsleigh four-man Olympic medalists for 1924, 1932-56, and since 1964]
* [ Bobsleigh four-man world championship medalists since 1930]
* [ FIBT profile (As Alexej Seliverstov)]

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