

The name Pompeia may refer to:
*Pompeia, was the daughter of Quintus Pompeius consul 141 BC, who married a certain Gaius Sicinius
*Pompeia (sister of Pompeius Strabo), sister of General and Consul Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo, who was the father to Pompey
*Pompeia (sister of triumvir Pompey), sister of Pompey and daughter of General and Consul Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo
*Pompeia, the wife of Publius Vatinius, a tribune in 59 BC
*Pompeia (wife of Julius Caesar), the second wife of Julius Caesar
*Pompeia Magna, the daughter of Pompey by his third wife Mucia Tertia
*Pompeia Magna (daughter of Sextus Pompeius), daughter of political rebel Sextus Pompeius and Scribonia
*Cornelia Pompeia Magna or Pompeia Magna Minor (the younger), daughter of consul Lucius Cornelius Cinna by his wife, the elder Pompeia Magna
*Pompeia Macrina, a woman exiled by the Roman Emperor Tiberius in 33
*Pompeia Paulina, wife of Seneca the Younger
*Pompeia Plotina Claudia Phoebe Piso, the wife of Roman Emperor Trajan
*Pompeia Macrina, one of the mothers-in-law of Roman historian and Senator Pliny the Younger

Pompeia may also refer to:
*Pompéia, a municipality/county in the state of São Paulo, Brazil
*Raul Pompéia (1863-1895), a Brazilian writer

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