Karin family — The Karin asteroid family is a sub family of the Koronis family. The identified members number 39, the most prominent being 832 Karin. It is a young family which can be traced back to an asteroid collision occurring 5.8 ± 0.2 million years ago. [ … Wikipedia
158 Koronis — ( kuh ROE niss ) is a Main belt asteroid. It is an S type asteroid.It was discovered by Viktor Knorre on January 4, 1876 from the Berlin observatory. It was the first of his four asteroid discoveries.The asteroid itself may not be spectacular,… … Wikipedia
243 Ida — Galileo image of 243 Ida. The tiny dot to the right is its moon, Dactyl. Discovery[1] and designation … Wikipedia
277 Elvira — Minor Planet | name=277 Elvira discoverer=Auguste Charlois discovery date=May 3, 1888 designations= category=Main belt (Koronis) epoch=30 January, 2005 (JD 2453400.5) semimajor=431.825 Gm (2.887 AU) perihelion=393.543 Gm (2.631 AU)… … Wikipedia
Lucy D’Escoffier Crespo da Silva — Lucy d Escoffier Crespo da Silva (1978 – November 19, 2000) was a senior at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a promising astronomer for whom the asteroid 96747 Crespodasilva is named.A resident of Albany, NY, she was born in the United… … Wikipedia
(243) Ida — Para otros usos de este término, véase Ida. Ida Imagen tomada por la sonda Galileo el 28 de agosto de 1993, donde se ve el asteroide Ida y su satélite Dactyl. Descubrimiento … Wikipedia Español
263 Dresda — Minor Planet | name=263 Dresda discoverer=Johann Palisa discovery date=November 3, 1886 designations=A905 OC, A915 RL, A917 BA, 1950 XV, 1977 PC category=Main belt (Koronis) epoch=30 January, 2005 (JD 2453400.5) semimajor=431.686 Gm (2.886 AU)… … Wikipedia
311 Claudia — Minor Planet | name=311 Claudia discoverer=Auguste Charlois discovery date=June 11, 1891 designations= category=Main belt (Koronis) epoch=30 January, 2005 (JD 2453400.5) semimajor=433.314 Gm (2.897 AU) perihelion=429.728 Gm (2.873 AU)… … Wikipedia
321 Florentina — Minor Planet | name=321 Florentina discoverer=Johann Palisa discovery date=October 15, 1891 designations= category=Main belt (Koronis) epoch=30 January, 2005 (JD 2453400.5) semimajor=431.674 Gm (2.886 AU) perihelion=412.9 Gm (2.76 AU)… … Wikipedia
Micronation — This article is about entities that are not officially recognized by world governments or major international organisations. For information on countries that are generally recognized but geographically small, see microstate. The Principality of… … Wikipedia