

name = Leek Orchids

image_width = 200px
image_caption = "Prasophyllum elatum"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Liliopsida
ordo = Asparagales
familia = Orchidaceae
subfamilia = Orchidoideae
tribus = Diureae
subtribus = Prasophyllinae
genus = "Prasophyllum"
genus_authority = R.Br. (1810)
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text

"Prasophyllum" is a genus in the orchid family (Orchidaceae). Species of this genus are commonly called "Leek Orchids". There is no designated type species. "Prasophyllum australe" R.Br. was designated as lectotype (cite journal|author = Clements, M.A. |title= Catalogue of Australian Orchidaceae|journal= Australian Orchid Research|volume= 1|issue= 109|year=1989)

The botanical name is derived from the Greek words "prason" (leek) and "phyllon" (leaf), referring the leek-like leaf.

These deciduous terrestrial orchids occur in Australia, Tasmania and a few species in New Zealand, growing on poor, sandy soils in temperate heaths and grasslands.

All species have prominent subterranean, tuberous, storage organs. They are sometimes called root-stem tuberoids, because their pole incorporates stem tissues.

"Prasophyllum" species grow in mycorrhizal associations with the fungus Ceratobasidium.

One can recognize the genus easily by the hollow, sheathing leaf through which the inflorescence, a spike of small inverted flowers, emerges. But many of the species are not easy to determine. Many species only flower following summer fires.

The whitish flowers are tinged or streaked with pink or green. Most of these species are fragrant. They are pollinated by insects. Interspecific hybridization is very common. Flowers from the spike can characteristics of different species.

The sepals and petals are narrow and inconspicuous. This makes them not very popular amongst orchid hunters.

The lip on the upper side of the flower is broad and slightly waved at the edge, often bearing an inner plate. This lip can be rigid and sessile or on a short claw. Some species have secretory tissue associated with the base of the labellum. The column is very short.


About 126 species.

The genus is divided in several sections: "Bifida", "Genoplesium", "Integra", "Podochilus", "Prasophyllum".

"Genoplesium" and "Prasophyllum" belong to the same lineage in the cladistic tree. "Genoplesium" is cladistically close to "Prasophyllum", which brings into doubt its status as a segregate genus

* "Prasophyllum affine" Lindl. (1840)
* "Prasophyllum album" R.S.Rogers, (1909)
* "Prasophyllum alpestre" D.L.Jones, (1998)
* "Prasophyllum alpinum" R.Br. (1810) : Alpine Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum amoenum" D.L.Jones (1998)
* "Prasophyllum antennatum" M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones (1989)
* "Prasophyllum apoxychilum" D.L.Jones (1998)
* "Prasophyllum australe" R.Br. (1810) : Southern Leek Orchid, Austral Leek orchid
* "Prasophyllum bagoense" D.L.Jones (2000)
* "Prasophyllum brevilabre" (Lindl.) Hook.f. (1858)
* "Prasophyllum brownii" Rchb.f. (1871) : Christmas Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum buftonianum" J.H.Willis (1953)
* "Prasophyllum calcicola" R.J.Bates (1989) : Limestone Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum campestre" R.J.Bates & D.L.Jones (1991)
* "Prasophyllum canaliculatum" D.L.Jones (1997)
* "Prasophyllum candidum" R.J.Bates & D.L.Jones (1991)
* "Prasophyllum caricetum" D.L.Jones (2000)
* "Prasophyllum castaneum" D.L.Jones (1998)
* "Prasophyllum caudiculum" D.L.Jones (2000)
* "Prasophyllum chasmogamum" R.J.Bates & D.L.Jones (1991)
* "Prasophyllum colensoi" Hook.f. (1853)
* "Prasophyllum concinnum" Nicholls (1948) : Trim Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum constrictum" R.S.Rogers (1909)
* "Prasophyllum correctum" D.L.Jones, (1994)
* "Prasophyllum crebriflorum" D.L.Jones (2003)
* "Prasophyllum cucullatum" Rchb.f. (1871) : Hooded Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum cyphochilum" Benth. (1873) : Pouched Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum diversiflorum" Nicholls, (1942) : Gorae Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum dossenum" R.J.Bates & D.L.Jones, (1991)
* "Prasophyllum drummondii" Rchb.f. (1871) : Swamp Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum elatum" R.Br.. Tall Leek Orchid, Piano Orchid (one of the largest terrestrial orchids of Australia)
* "Prasophyllum exiguum" Rupp (1948)
* "Prasophyllum exile" D.L.Jones & R.J.Bates (1991)
* "Prasophyllum favonium" D.L.Jones (1998)
* "Prasophyllum fecundum" R.J.Bates (1989)
* "Prasophyllum fimbria" Rchb.f. (1871) : Fringed Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum fitzgeraldii" R.S.Rogers & Maiden (1909)
* "Prasophyllum flavum" R.Br. (1810) : Yellow Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum fosteri" D.L.Jones (2000)
* "Prasophyllum frenchii" F.Muell. (1889) : Maroon Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum fuscum" R.Br. (1810) : Tailed Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum gibbosum" R.Br. (1810) : Humped Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum giganteum" Lindl. (1840) : Bronze Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum goldsackii" J.Z.Weber & R.J.Bates (1978)
* "Prasophyllum gracillimum" Nicholls (1948) : Slender Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum hectori" (Buchanan) Molloy, D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem (2005)
* "Prasophyllum hians" Rchb.f. (1871) : Yawning Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum hygrophilum" D.L.Jones & D.T.Rouse (2003)
* "Prasophyllum incompositum" D.L.Jones (1991)
* "Prasophyllum incorrectum" D.L.Jones (2003)
* "Prasophyllum incurvum" D.L.Jones (1998)
* "Prasophyllum lanceolatum" R.S.Rogers (1920)
* "Prasophyllum lindleyanum" Rchb.f. (1871) : Green Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum litorale" R.J.Bates (1990)
* "Prasophyllum macrotys" Lindl. (1840) : Inland Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum milfordense" D.L.Jones (1998)
* "Prasophyllum mimulum" D.L.Jones (2004)
* "Prasophyllum mollissimum" Rupp (1948)
* "Prasophyllum montanum" R.J.Bates & D.L.Jones (1991)
* "Prasophyllum morganii" Nicholls (1930) : Cobungra Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum mucronatum" Rupp (1948)
* "Prasophyllum murfetii" D.L.Jones, (2000)
* "Prasophyllum nichollsianum" Rupp (1942)
* "Prasophyllum niphopedium" D.L.Jones (2000)
* "Prasophyllum nublingii" R.S.Rogers (1927)
* "Prasophyllum obovatum" Rupp (1948)
* "Prasophyllum occidentale" R.S.Rogers (1908)
* "Prasophyllum occultans" R.J.Bates (1989)
* "Prasophyllum odoratissimum" D.L.Jones (1996)
* "Prasophyllum odoratum" R.S.Rogers (1909) : Scented Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum olidum" D.L.Jones (1998)
* "Prasophyllum ovale" Lindl. (1840) : Little Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum pallens" D.L.Jones (2000)
* "Prasophyllum pallidum" Nicholls (1933) : Pale Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum parviflorum" (R.S.Rogers) Nicholls (1941)
* "Prasophyllum parvifolium" Lindl. (1840) : Autumn Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum patens" R.Br. (1810) : Broad-lip Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum paulinae" D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. (1996)
* "Prasophyllum perangustum" D.L.Jones (1998)
* "Prasophyllum petilum" D.L.Jones & R.J.Bates (1991)
* "Prasophyllum plumiforme" Fitzg. (1882)
* "Prasophyllum pruinosum" R.S.Rogers (1909)
* "Prasophyllum pulchellum" D.L.Jones (1998)
* "Prasophyllum pyriforme" E.Coleman (1932)
* "Prasophyllum reflexum" Fitzg. (1885)
* "Prasophyllum regium" R.S.Rogers (1918) : King Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum retroflexum" D.L.Jones (2000)
* "Prasophyllum robustum" (Nicholls) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones (1989)
* "Prasophyllum rogersii" Rupp (1928) : Marsh Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum rostratum" Lindl. (1840) : Slaty Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum sargentii" (Nicholls) A.S.George (1971) : Frilled Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum secutum" D.L.Jones (1998)
* "Prasophyllum solstitium" D.L.Jones (2000)
* "Prasophyllum sphacelatum" D.L.Jones (1996)
* "Prasophyllum spicatum" R.J.Bates & D.L.Jones (1991)
* "Prasophyllum stellatum" D.L.Jones (1998)
* "Prasophyllum striatum" R.Br. (1810) : Streaked Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum suaveolens" D.L.Jones & R.J.Bates (1994)
* "Prasophyllum subbisectum" Nicholls (1936)
* "Prasophyllum suttonii" Ewart & B.Rees (1912) : Mauve Leek orchid
* "Prasophyllum sylvestre" R.J.Bates & D.L.Jones (1991)
* "Prasophyllum taphanyx" D.L.Jones (2004)
* "Prasophyllum transversum" Fitzg. (1891)
* "Prasophyllum triangulare" Fitzg. (1882) : Dark Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum trifidum" Rupp (1941)
* "Prasophyllum truncatum" Lindl. (1840)
* "Prasophyllum tunbridgense" D.L.Jones (1998)
* "Prasophyllum unicum" Rupp (1942)
* "Prasophyllum validum" R.S.Rogers (1927) : Green Leek Orchid
* "Prasophyllum wallum" R.J.Bates & D.L.Jones, (1991)
* "Prasophyllum wilkinsoniorum" D.L.Jones, (2000)


*cite journal|author=Jones, D.L. |title= A taxonomic review of Prasophyllum in Tasmania|journal= Australian Orchid Research|volume= 3|issue= 95 |year = 1998
*cite journal | author =Jones, D.L. & Clements, M.A. |title= Miscellaneous nomenclature notes and changes in Australian, New Guinea and New Zealand Orchidaceae|journal = The Orchadian|volume = 15| issue = 1|year = 2005|pages = 41

External links

* [ West Australian orchids]
*APNI | name = Prasophyllum R.Br. | id = 31251

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