Homer's Ithaca

Homer's Ithaca

The location of Homer's Ithaca, i.e. Ithaca as featured in Homer's Odyssey, is a matter for debate.

The central characters of the epic such as Odysseus, Achilles, Agamemnon and Hector are generally believed to be fictional characters. Yet there are many claims that some Homeric hero long ago had inhabited a particular contemporary region or village. This, and the extremely detailed geographic descriptions in the epic itself, have invited investigation of the possibility that Homer's heroes might have existed and that the location of the sites described therein might be found.

Heinrich Schliemann believed he tracked down several of the more famous traditions surrounding these heroes. Many locations around the Mediterranean were claimed to have been the heroes' "homes", such as the ruins at Mycenae and the little hill near the western Turkish town of Hissarlik. Schliemann's work and excavations proposed, to a very sceptical world, that Homer's Agamemnon had lived at Mycenae, and that "Troy" itself indeed had existed at Hissarlik. Much work has been done to identify other Homeric sites such as the palace of Nestor at Pylos. These attempts have been the subject of much scholarly research, archaeological work, and controversy.

Theories on the location of "Homer's 'Ithaca'" were formulated as early as the 2nd century BCE to as recently as AD 2003. Each approach to identifying a location has been different, varying in degrees of scientific procedure, empirical investigation, informed hypothesis, wishful thinking, fervent belief, and sheer fantasy. Each investigator and each investigation merits interest, as an indicator both of the temper of the times in which a particular theory was developed, and of the perennial interest in Odysseus and the possible facts of his life. Some of the latest "Homer's 'Ithaca'" approaches resemble some of the earliest.

Leading Precursors

Theorists, and excavations elsewhere, on the location of "Homer's 'Ithaca'" --

* Eratosthenes (276 BC – 194 BC).

* Demetrius of Scepsis (near Troy) -- writing mid-2d c. BC (near Troy) -- source used by Strabo (below).
**cite book | first= R. | last= Pfeiffer | authorlink= | coauthors= | year= 1968 | title= History of Classical Scholarship: From the Beginnings to the End of the Hellenistic Age | edition= | publisher= Oxford University Press | location= Oxford | id= pp. 249-51. See Bittlestone/Diggle/Underhill (below): James Diggle at p. 508.

* Apollodorus of Athens (born ca. 180 BC) -- writing mid-2d c. BC -- source used by Strabo (below), and Apollodorus also relied upon Demetrius of Scepsis (above).
**cite book | first= Felix | last= Jacoby | authorlink= | coauthors= | year= 1929 | title= Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker II B | edition= | publisher= Weidmann | location= Berlin | id= 244, F 154-207.
**cite book | first= Rudolf | last= Pfeiffer | authorlink= | coauthors= | year= 1968 | title= History of Classical Scholarship: From the Beginnings to the End of the Hellenistic Age | edition= | publisher= Oxford University Press | location= Oxford | id= pp. 249-51. See Bittlestone/Diggle/Underhill (below): James Diggle at p. 508.

* Strabo (63/4 BC – ca. AD 24).
**cite book | first= P.V. | last= Jones | authorlink= | coauthors= | year= 1917-1932 | title= Strabo : Geography | edition= Loeb Classical Library | publisher= Harvard University Press | location= Cambridge, Massachusetts | id=

* William Gell -- writing in 1807 -- he believed Homer's "Ithaca" was on the Aetos isthmus of Ithaki island, facing east, in or near the bay of Vathy.
**cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | coauthors= | year= 1807 | title= The Geography and Antiquities of Ithaca | edition= | publisher= Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme | location= London | id=

* William M. Leake -- writing in 1835 -- he thought "Ithaca" was on the northwestern coast of Ithaki island, near Polis Bay.
**cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | coauthors= | year= 1830 | title= Travels in the Morea with a Map and Plans | edition= | publisher= John Murray | location= London | id=
**cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | coauthors= | year= 1835 | title= Travels in Northern Greece | edition= | publisher= John Murray | location= London | id=

* Wilhelm Dörpfeld (December 26, 1853 – April 25, 1940) -- having performed excavations at various locations of Lefkada, he proposed that the palace of Odysseus was located cunt| authorlink= | coauthors= | year= 1965 | title= Alt-Ithaka, ein Beitrag zur Homer-Frage. Studien und Ausgrabungen aus der insel Leukas-Ithaka. Unter Mitarbeit von Peter Goessler [u.a.] | edition= Neudruck der Ausg. 1927. | publisher= Zeller | location= Osnabrück | id=

* G. Volterras -- writing in 1903 -- he believed Paliki once may have had "Strabo's channel" at the isthmus which now separates Paliki and Kefalonia (see Bittlestone/Diggle/Underhill, below).
**cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | coauthors= | year= 1903 | title= Kritiki Meleti peri Omerikis Ithakis (A Critical Study of Homeric Ithaca) | edition= | publisher= [self?] | location= Athens | id=

* A.E.H. Goekoop -- writing in 1908 -- he believed "Ithaca" was in southwestern Kefalonia island, on the St. George hilltop near Mazarakata village, southeast of the city of Argostoli, with its harbor at Minies near the modern airport.
**cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | coauthors= | year= 1908 | title= Ithaque La Grande | edition= | publisher= Beck & Barth | location= Athens | id=

* Lord Rennell of Rodd -- writing in 1927 -- believed "Ithaca" was on Ithaki island.
**cite book | first= J.R. | last= Rennell | authorlink= | coauthors= | year= 1927 | title= Homer's Ithaca : A Vindication of Tradition | edition= | publisher= Arnold | location= London | id=

* W.A. Heurtley and Sylvia Benton -- believed "Ithaca" was on Ithaki island, and their excavations at the Polis Bay harbor turned up 8th-9th c. BC artifacts.

* C.H. Goekoop -- writing in 1990, grandson of A.E.H. Goekoop -- he thought "Ithaca" was on Kefalonia, but in the northern Erissos region, near the town of Fiscardo.
**cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | coauthors= | year= 1990 | title= Op zoek naar Ithaka | edition= | publisher= Heureka | location= Weesp | id=

* E.S. Tsimaratos -- published posthumously in 1998 -- he thought "Ithaca" was in central Kefalonia, but he agreed with Strabo about Paliki once having been cut off from Kefalonia.
**cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | coauthors= | year= 1998 | title= Poia I Omeriki Ithaki? (Which is Homeric Ithaca?) | edition= | publisher= Etaireias Meletes Ellenikes Historias | location= Athens | id=

* J.V. Luce -- (1920- ) -- writing in 1998 -- he believed "Ithaca" was on Ithaki island.
**cite book | first= John Victor | last= Luce | authorlink= | coauthors= | year= 1998 | title= Celebrating Homer's landscapes : Troy and Ithaca revisited | edition= | publisher= Yale University Press | location= New Haven | id= ISBN 0-300-07411-5

* Nicolas G. Livadas (Author), Constantine Bisticas (Editor, Translator)
**Odysseus' Ithaca: The Riddle Solved (Paperback)

* Gilles le Noan -- writing in 2001, 2003, 2004 -- he suggested Paliki as the location of "Ithaca", but discounted the geology supporting "Strabo's channel".
**cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | coauthors= | year= 2001 | title= A la recherche d'Ithaque : essai sur la localisation de la patrie d'Ulysse | edition= | publisher= Editions Tremen | location= Quincey-sous-Senart | id=

* Christos Tzakos -- writing 1999 - 2002 -- he believed "Ithaca" was on Ithaki island.
**cite journal | author= | title= Concerning Homeric Ithaki: Asteris | journal= Odusseia | year= 1999 | volume= | issue= 95 | pages= – | url=
**cite journal | author= | title= kefa-ll-ines Kefa-ll-inia Kefa-ll-onia | journal= Odusseia | year= 2000 | volume= | issue= 70-2 | pages= – | url=
**cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | coauthors= | year= 2002 | title= Ekthesi Synoptiki peri Omerikis Ithakis (A Brief Essay on Homeric Ithaca) | edition= Angelos Eleutheros | publisher= Athens | location= | id=

* Robert Bittlestone, James Diggle & John Underhill -- first working in 2003 -- they believe Paliki is the location of "Ithaca", see Odysseus Unbound.
** cite book | first= | last= | authorlink= | coauthors= | year= 2005 | title= Odysseus Unbound: The Search for Homer’s Ithaca | edition= | publisher= Cambridge University Press | location= Cambridge, UK | id= ISBN 0-521-85357-5 [http://www.odysseus-unbound.org/ Odysseus Unbound website]

Other ideas

Theories about the location of Odyssean wanderings have includedref|GogMagog:

* [http://www.jesus1053.com/en/l2-wahl/Abstract-Vinci.htm the Baltic & Estonia]
* [http://www.cnw.mk.ua/pushkin/english/homer.htm the Crimea]
* [http://www.atlantis-troja.ch/ Troy-at-Atlantis]
* [http://web.otenet.gr/homers-odyssey/ America / Bermuda]
* [http://www.metrum.org/mapping/navigations.htm Greenland]
* [http://home-3.riscali.nl/~meester7/engodyssey.html Culloden Moor in Scotland]


* Ithaca was in Erissos (near Fiscardo village) - In search of Ithaca (Holland Film)


* Bittlestone, Diggle & Underhill (2005), cited above, Chapter 9 generally.

* several of the floruit dates above are taken from Wikipedia articles about the writers.

# Bittlestone, Diggle & Underhill (2005), cited above, page 39, note 2.

See also

*Trojan War
*Historicity of the Iliad
*Geography of the Odyssey
*Where Troy Once Stood

External links

* [http://www.odysseus-unbound.org Odysseus Unbound website] ; [http://www.odysseus-unbound.org/forum.html Odysseus Unbound discussion forum]
* [http://www.gpc.edu/~shale/humanities/literature/world_literature/homer.html Collection of Homer-related links]
* [http://www.robotwisdom.com/jaj/homer/odyssey.html Homer's Odyssey resources on the Web, by Jorn Barger]
* [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/ The Perseus Digital Library, Tufts University]
** [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cache/perscoll_Greco-Roman.html Perseus at Tufts, Greek & Roman materials]
** [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/vor?lookup=homer*&collection=Perseus%3Acollection%3AGreco-Roman&group=typecat Perseus at Tufts, a search on "homer*", which currently reaches 77 results, including "homeric": Art objects (1), Images (8), Reference articles (6), Text sections (19), Source citations (30), Texts (13)]

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