

Vogel (English: Bird, Byrd; French: L'Oiseau) is a common surname originating from German speaking countries and may refer to:


* Amos Vogel, film critic and historian, and author of Film as a Subversive Art
* Bernhard Vogel (painter)French
* Franck Vogel, photographer and designer (created the photographic lamp [http://www.franckvogel.com] )
* Hermann Vogel (French illustrator)Germans:
* Bernhard Vogel (politician), politician
* Bernhard Vogel (engraver), engraver
* Hans-Jochen Vogel, politician
* Hans Vogel (scientist), helminthologist
* Hermann Vogel (German illustrator)
* Hermann Carl Vogel, astronomer
* Hans Vogel, politician
* Hermann Wilhelm Vogel, 19th-century photo-chemist and photographer, who discovered dye-sensitisation for color photography emulsions
* Ilse-Margret Vogel, author
* Elias Svedsut Vogel, director.
* Johann Vogel (composer), 18th-century composer
* Julius Rudolph Theodor Vogel, botanist
* Peter Vogel (actor)
* Wolfgang Vogel, East German lawyer and spy swapperSwiss:
* Alfred Vogel, naturopath and businessman
* Johann Vogel, footballer
* Wladimir Vogel, composer of Russian birth

North Americans

* Bob Vogel, former football player
* Darlene Vogel, actress
* Ezra Vogel, author
* Jeff Vogel, computer programmer and game developer
* Matt Vogel, puppeteer
* Mike Vogel, actor
* Paula Vogel, playwright
* Peter Vogel (politician)
* Steven Vogel, scientist, writer, founder of comparative fluid biomechanics

Rest of world

* Arthur Israel Vogel, organic chemist and co-author of several standard textbooks on the topic
* Peter Vogel (computer designer), Australian co-designer of Fairlight CMI
* Sir Julius Vogel, New Zealand's first Jewish Prime Minister

Fictional people

* Preston Vogel, a character on the animated American television series "Gargoyles"
* Burgomaster Vogel, the burgomaster in the American films "Frankenstein" and "Bride of Frankenstein"
* Ernst Vogel, a Standartenführer in the SS in the American film "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"
* Warden Vogel, runs the Cookieville Minimum Security Orphanarium in "Futurama"

ee also

Vogel may also refer to:
* Vogel (lunar crater), a lunar crater named after Hermann Carl Vogel
* Vogel, Austria, a region in the municipality of St. Peter in der Au, designated (among other regions) by Austrian postal code 3352
* Vogel, Slovenia, a ski area in the valley of Bohinj, Slovenia
* Vogel,Albania, a village in the Pustec district of Albania.
* Vogel's, a trade mark owned by the Australian company Stevns & Company Pty Ltd, a manufacturer of bread in New Zealand and speciality cereals in Australia
* The Australian/Vogel Literary Award - the premier Australian literary award for unpublished manuscripts, named by the founder of Stevns & Company Pty Ltd in honour of Alfred Vogel
* The Sir Julius Vogel Award - the premier New Zealand award for science fiction
* Vogel, Operation Research, a method to find basic feasible solutions in a model

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