Fadhlalla Haeri

Fadhlalla Haeri

Sheikh Fadhlalla Haeri is a Sufi sheikh. As a businessman, he established several manufacturing and consulting firms in the Middle East, primarily in the oil industry. He has been a religious teacher for more than 20 years and has written many books on Islam.

Haeri was born in Karbala, Iraq; his ancestors were respected teachers of Islam. Haeri studied in Europe and America and obtained undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in science and engineering.

Haeri has received permission (idhn) as a Sheikh of Instruction, from lines (tariqahs) of Sufic teaching including the Darqawi-Shadhili, the Chisti, and the Rifa'i. His teaching calls for the fulfillment and completion of human potential both inwardly and outwardly. Haeri currently lives in the Republic of South Africa, where he works as a teacher of Islam.

In 1979, Haeri went to the United States to establish a spiritual foundation, the Zahra Trust, for education about Islam. The Zahra Trust currently publishes a wide variety of books through its affiliate, Zahra Publications, and has established several spiritual and medical centers in Asia, Europe and South America. The American Institute of Qur'anic Studies at Bayt-ud-Deen, the U.S. base of Zahra Trust, was inaugurated in December, 1981.


* Beginning's End
* Commentary of the Qur'an
* Cosmology of the Self
* Eid Talk
* Forty Windows -- and more
* Imam Ali, The Garden of Self-healing, The Prophetic Map for the Wayfarer
* Journey of the Universe as Expounded in the Qur'an
* Living Islam East & West
* Poems
* Ripples of Light
* Seven Patterns of the Self
* The Elements of Islam
* The Elements of Sufism
* The Inner Meanings of Worship in Islam
* The Journey of the Self
* The Light, Love and Peace of Islam (Transcription of a 1991 TV Interview of Shaykh Fadhlalla)
* The Pilgrimage of Islam -- Encompassing the Five Schools of Law
* The Sufi Way to Self-Unfoldment
* The Wisdom of Ibn Ata'Allah
* Calling Allah - By His Most Beautiful Names
* Son of Karbala
* Witnessing Perfection

External links

* [http://www.nuradeen.com/Reflections.htm#ShaykhFadhlalla] Excerpts from his books
* [http://www.askonline.co.za/multimedia.html] An Interview with Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri on Enlightenment
* [http://al-islam.org/commentaryhaeri/] The Mercy of the Qur'an and the advent of the Zaman
* [http://course.askonline.co.za] Ask Online Website

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