Alfred Rehder

Alfred Rehder

Alfred Rehder was a horticulturist and taxonomist who worked at the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University. Rehder was a newspaper writer from Germany who was originally hired as a laborer at the Arnold Arboretum. His talents for horticultural plant taxonomy were soon recognized, however. Early in his employment he was sent to Europe to purchase books for the library at the Arboretum. When the "Journal of the Arnold Arboretum" was started in 1919, Rehder was co-editor, along with the Arboretum director, Charles Sprague Sargent. Rehder produced a new edition of "Manual of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs" and authored the "Bibliography of Cultivated Trees and Shrubs" and "The Bradley bibliography". [Howard, Richard A. (1975) The Arnold Arboretum. "Botanical Society of America Plant Science Bulletin". June, 1975. Vol. 21 No. 2 [] - URL retrieved February 26 2006] [ [ Antiquariaat Jan Meemelink flower books + prints] - URL retrieved February 26 2006] He was co-author, with Ernest Henry Wilson, of "Plantae Wilsonianae" and "A Monograph of Azaleas". [ [ History of Horticulture - Ernest Henry Wilson] - URL retrieved February 26 2006] Rehder created the first system of isothermic zones for the United States that related average winter minimum temperatures to the hardiness of specific plants. That system, along with another system developed by Wladimir Köppen, are the basis for all of the climate zone maps in use today.


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