LIGA, a German acronym for ″Lithographie, Galvanoformung, Abformung," in English (
X-ray ) Lithography,Electroplating , and Molding, is a process inmicrotechnology that was developed in the early 1980s [Becker EW et al, "Production of Separation-Nozzle Systems for Uranium Enrichment by a Combination of X-Ray Lithography and Galvanoplastics", "Naturwissenschaften" 69, 520-523 (1982)] by a team under the leadership ofErwin Willy Becker andWolfgang Ehrfeld at the Institute for Nuclear Process Engineering("Institut für Kernverfahrenstechnik" IKVT) [present name/successor institution: Institute for Microstructure Technology ("Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnik") IMT] at theKarlsruhe Nuclear Research Center [present name:Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe ("Karlsruhe Research Center")] . LIGA was one of the first major techniques to allow on-demand manufacturing of high-aspect-ratio structures (structures that are much taller than wide) with lateral precision below one micrometre. This capability is important in the fabrication ofMEMS devices. Because of the high collimation of X-rays needed, the source must besynchrotron light .There are today three different types of LIGA technologies, differing in the radiation and preform used:
*X-Ray LIGA, the first LIGA technology developed, usingX-Ray s produced by a synchrotron,
*UV-LIGA using ultraviolet light, typically from a mercury lamp, and specialresist s likeSU-8 , and
*Silicon-LIGA using deep reactive ion etchedsilicon as preform.Researchers at
Sandia National Laboratories further developed this technique throughout the 1990s and early 2000s.Notes and references
External links
* [http://www.ca.sandia.gov/industry_partner/LIGA/LIGA.html LIGA] at
Sandia National Laboratories
* [http://ssls.nus.edu.sg/facility/beamlines/limint/LIGA.htm LiMiNT - LIGA process] fromSingapore Synchrotron Light Source
* [http://www.mancef.org/liga.htm The International LIGA interest group]
* [http://public.ca.sandia.gov/8700/projects/content.php?cid=14 LIGA at Sandia, Livermore]
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