ETS is an abbreviation of:

in engineering and transport:
*École de technologie supérieure, an engineering school in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
*Edmonton Transit System, the name of the public transit system in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
*Electric train supply, which powers auxiliary systems on rail vehicles
*Enhanced Traction System, a traction control system used by General Motors

in education:
*Educational Talent Search, one of the United States Department of Education's TRIO programs
*Educational Testing Service, which administers tests such as SAT and the Graduate Record Examination
*Educational and Training Services Branch, provides teaching services for the British Army

in medicine:
*Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy, a medical procedure
*Environmental Tobacco Smoke - see passive smoking

in science:
*Electron transport system also known as the Electron transport chain
*Episodic tremor and slip, a phenomenon in seismology discovered in Vancouver Island []

in other uses:
*Enterprise test software, software used by electronics manufacturers for product testing
*Emissions trading scheme, a scheme which helps developed countries to meet their emissions reduction targets set by the Kyoto Protocol (see also European Union Emission Trading Scheme)
*Estimated Termination of Service or End of Time in Service - a term used in the Military of the United States
*European Telecommunication Standard
*Evangelical Theological Society

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