- List of Hiberno-Saxon illustrated manuscripts
Echternach Gospels .] .*
Antwerp Sedulius (Antwerp, Museum Plantin-Moretus MS M. 17. 4)
*Barberini Gospels (Rome, Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica MS Barberini Lat. 570)
*Bibliotheque Nationale MS lat. 10861 Lives of Saints (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale MS lat. 10861)
*Bibliotheque Nationale MS. nouv. acq. lat. 1587 Gospel Book (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale MS. nouv. acq. lat. 1587)
*Ambrosiana Jerome (Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana MS S. 45. sup.)
*Ambrosiana Orosius (Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana MS D. 23. sup.)
*Bodleian Ovid (Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Auct. F. 4. 32, ff. 37-47 (S. C. 2176)
*Bodleian Philippus (Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Bodley 426 (S. C. 2327))
*Book of Armagh (Dublin, Trinity College Library, MS 52)
*Book of Cerne (Cambridge, University Library, MS L1. 1. 10)
*Book of Deer (Cambridge, University Library, MS II. 6. 32)
*Book of Dimma (Dublin, Trinity College Library MS A. 4. 23 (59))
*Book of Durrow (Dublin, Trinity College Library, MS A. 4. 5 (57))
*Book of Kells (Dublin, Trinity College Library, MS A I. 6. (58))
*Book of Mulling (Dublin, Trinity College Library MS A. I. 15 (60))
*Book of Nunnaminster (London, British Library Harley MS 2965)
*Gospel Book (London, British Library Add. MS. 40618)
*British Library Add. MS. 36929 Psalter (London, British Library Add. MS. 36929)
*British Library Harley MS 1023 Gospel Book (London, British Library Harley MS 1023)
*Gospel Book (London, British Library, Harley MS 1802)
*Cadmug Gospels (Fulda, Landesbibliothek Codex Bonifatianus 3)
*Canterbury Gospels (London, British Library Royal MS I. E. VI and Canterbury, Cathedral Library Additional MS 16)
*Cathach of St. Columba (Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, s. n.)
*Codex Amiatinus (Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana MS Amiatinus 1)
*Codex Bigotianus (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale MS lat. 281, 298)
*Codex Usserianus Primus (Dublin, Trinity College Library, MS A. 4. 15 (55))
*Codex Usserianus Secundus (Garland of Howth) (Dublin, Trinity College MS A. 4. 6 (56))
*Cologne Collectio Canonum (Cologne, Dombibliothek Cod. 213)
*Cotton-Corpus Christi Gospel Fragment (Cambridge, Corpus Christi College MS 197B, ff. 1-36 (Formerly pp.245-316) and London, British Library Cotton MS Otho C. V)
*Cuthbert Gospel of St John (akaStonyhurst Gospel ) British Library - for binding
*Cutbercht Gospels (Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Cod. 1224)
*Durham Cassiodirus (Durham, Cathedral Library MS B. II. 30)
*Durham Cathedral Library A. II. 10. Gospel Book Fragment (Durham, Cathedral Library MSS A. II. 10 ff. 2-5, 338-8a, C. III. 13, ff. 192-5, and C. III. 20, ff. 1, 2)
*Durham Cathedral Library A. II. 16. Gospel Book Fragment (Durham Cathedral Library MSS A. II. 16, ff. 1-23, 34-86, 102 and Cambridge, Magdalene College Pepysian MS 2981 (18))
*Durham Gospels (Durham, Cathedral Library, MS A.II.17, 2-102 and Cambridge, Magdalene College Pepysian MS 2981 (19))
*Echternach Gospels (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, MS lat. 9389)
*Freiburg Gospel Book Fragment (Freiburg im Breisgau, Universitätsbibliothek Cod. 702)
*Gotha Gospels (Gotha, Forschungsbibliothek Cod. Memb I. 18)
*Harburg Gospels (Harburg über Donauwörth, Schloss Harburg, Fürstlich Ottingen-Wallersteinsche Bibliothek Cod. I. 2. 4. 2 (Olin Maihingen))
*Hereford Gospels (Hereford, Cathedral Library MS P. I. 2)
*Karlsruhe Bede (Karlsruhe, Landesbibliothek Cod. CLXVII)
*Leiden Pliny (Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek MS Voss. lat. F. 4, ff. 4-33)
*Leiden Priscian (Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek MS. B. P. L. 67)
*Leipzig Gospel Book Fragment (Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek MSS Rep. I, 58a and Rep. 35a)
*Leningrad Bede (Leningrad, Public Library Cod. Q. v. I. 18)
*Leningrad Gospels (Leningrad, Public Library Cod. F. v. I. 8)
*Leningrad Paulinus (Leningrad, Public Library Cod. Q. v. XIV. 1)
*Lichfield Gospels (Book of St. Chad) (Lichfield, Cathedral Library)
*Lindisfarne Gospels (London, BL, Cotton MS Nero D. IV)
*Lothian Psalter (New York, Pierpont Morgan Library MS M. 776)
*Macdurnan Gospels (London, Lambeth Palace MS 1370)
*Macregol Gospels (Rushworth Gospels) (Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Auct. D. 2. 19 (S. C. 3946))
*Maeseych Gospels (Maeseych, Church of St. Catherine, Tresor, s. n.)
*Milan Theodore (Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana C. 301. inf.)
*Rawlinson Gospels (Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Rawlinson G. 167 (S.C. no. 14890))
*Ricemarch Psalter (Dublin, Trinity College MS A. 4. 20 (50))
*Royal Gospel Book (London, British Library Royal MS I. B. VII)
*Royal Irish Academy MS D. II. 3 Gospel of St. John (Dublin, Royal Irish Academy MS D. II. 3, ff. 1-11)
*Royal Prayer Book (London, British Library Royal MS 2.A.XX)
*Salaberga Psalter (Berlin, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz MS Hamilton 553)
*Southhampton Psalter (Cambridge, St. John's College MS C. 9 (59))
*St. Gall Gospel Book (St. Gall, Stiftsbibliothek Cod. 51)
*St. Gall Gospel of St. John (St. Gall, Stiftsbibliothek Cod. 60)
*St. Gall Priscian (St. Gall, Stiftsbibliothek Cod. 904)
*Stockholm Codex Aureus (Stockholm, Royal Library MS A. 135)
*Stonyhurst Gospel - for binding
*Stowe Missal (Dublin, Royal Irish Academy MS D. II. 3, ff. 12-67)
*Stuttgart Psalter (Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek Cod. Bibl. 2. 12)
*Tiberius Bede (London, British Library Cotton MS Tiberius C. II)
*Trier Gospels (Trier, Domschatz Codex 61 (Bibliotheksnummer 134))
*Turin Gospel Book Fragment (Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale Cod. O. IV. 20)
*Utrecht Gospel Book Fragment (Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek MS 32 (Script. eccl. 484, ff. 94-105)
*Valenciennes Apocalypse (Valenciennes, Bibliothèque Municipale MS 99)
*Vespasian Psalter (London, British Library Cotton MS Vespasian A. I)
*Vitellius Psalter (London, British Library Cotton MS Vitellius F. XI)
*Wurzburg St. Paul (Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek Cod. M. p. th. F. 69)External links
* [http://www.florin.ms/aleph3.html#trinity The City and the Book - much detail on textual contents of Irish MS in particular]
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