

Sames was the founder of the Kingdom of Sophene and the city of Samosata first mentioned by Eratosthenes in 245 BC. Ziaelas of Bithynia took refuge at the court of Satrap (Governor) Sames in Samosata in 260 BC.

name= Kingdom of Sophene
title = Kingdom of Sophene
list1 =

Ancestor: Orontids Capital: Samosata, then Arsamosata
Dynasty: Sames (ca. 260 B.C.) •• Arsames I (ca. 240 B.C.) •• Arsames II (ca. 230 B.C.) •• Xerxes (ca. 220 B.C.) •• Abdissares (ca. 210 B.C.) •• Zariadres (ca. 190 B.C.) •• Morphilig (ca. 150 B.C.) •• Artanes (ca. 110 B.C.) ••

ee also

* Commagene
* List of rulers of Commagene

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