Sangria (color)

Sangria (color)

infobox color
r= 146|g=0|b=10

Sangria is a color that resembles Sangría wine. Sangria can also be described as a burnt red. The word "sangria" comes from the Spanish word "sangre", which means blood. This is an appropriate name considering the color, which it is. The color's name is similar to that of orange, as both are derived from a physical object. This is also the case for many other colors.

It has a major resemblance to dark carmine, crimson and many other dark reds. It is classed as a red and, less expectedly, a violet. The non-red categorization of this color could be largely up for debate, because its relation to violet is quite vague. If anything; it could be classed as a (dark) pink, just a red or even a slight brown.

See also

* List of colors

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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