Sestri Ponente

Sestri Ponente

Sestri Ponente is an industrial suburb of Genoa in northwest Italy. It is part of the Medio Ponente "municipio" of Genoa.


It is situated on the Ligurian Sea to the west of the city, between Cornigliano and Pegli. Its population is currently about 50,000, but in the 1970s it was as high as 80,000.


The name is derived from the Latin "Sextum", a little village that was probably build in the second century A.D., where stones were assembled for the Roman road that left from Genoa. But no records exist about the population of Sestri before the fifteenth century.


The links to the transport sector continue to this day; Sestri Ponente is home to Genoa Cristoforo Colombo Airport. Another major source of employment are the shipyards, part of the Merchant Ships Business Unit of Fincantieri. They are currently enjoying the benefits of the current ship construction boom after the blows felt from the 1970s to the 1990s.

Notes and references

External links

* [,8.85&spn=0.02,0.02&t=k&hl=en Satellite image of Sestri Ponente]

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