Philip Stewart

Philip Stewart

Philip Stewart, (born on January 8, 1939 in London, England), is a British writer and academic.


He decided at an early age that he did not want to choose between arts and sciences. He took a first degree in 1961 at the University of Oxford, England in Arabic, then, as a young graduate IN 1962, translated a novel by Naguib Mahfouz. This was eventually published in 1981 by Heineman Educational Books in the British market and by Three Continents Press in the US market. In 1988, following the award of the Nobel Prize to Mahfouz, when the rights to the work were acquired by Doubleday, Stewart refused to sell the copyright to his translation, considering it unsuitable that such a controversial book be given a highly publicized relaunch.

Reluctant to remain a specialist in language and literature, in 1965 he took a second Oxford degree in forestry and spent seven years working in forest conservation and erosion control in Algeria before returning to Oxford to teach ecological economics to biology students and the ecology of culture to human sciences students, also occasionally teaching Arabic. He retired from the University in 2006, but continues to teach. His special interests are in the influence of culture on human treatment of ecosystems, and in the integration of ecology and economics. His love of both chemistry and astronomy led him in 2004 to publish a new representation of the periodic system of the elements - Chemical Galaxy.


As sole author

* Stewart P. J. (1994) "Unfolding Islam" Garnet, Reading. ISBN 1-85964-046-X

As translator

* Mahfouz, N. (1959 "Awlad Haratina", translated (1981) as "Children of Gebelawi" Heinemann Educational Books, London. ISBN 0-435-99415-8. Definitive edition (1997) "Children of Gebelaawi" Passeggiata Press, Pueblo Colorado. ISBN 1-57889-038-1

As contributor of chapters

* Bougnoux, D. et al., Editors, (1990) 'Autour d'Edgar Morin: Arguments pour une Methode" Editions du Seuil, Paris. ISBN 9-782020-114592

* Jones, A., Editor, (1991) "Arabicus Felix: Essays in Honour of A. F. L. Beeston on his Eightieth Birthday" Ithaca Press, Reading. ISBN 0-86372-145-1

* Mather A., Editor, (1993) "Afforestation: Policies, Planning and Progress" Belhaven Press, London. ISBN 1-85293-202-3

* Bowker, J., (1997) "The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions" Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 0-19-213965-7

* Reeves, M. (2000) "Muhammad in Europe: a Thousand Years of Western Myth-Making" Garnet Press, Reading. ISBN1-85964-123-7

* Poore, D., Editor, (2000) "Where Next? Reflections on the Human Future" Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. ISBN 1-84246-006-4

* Killam, D., and Rowe, R., Editors, ( [2000] ) "The Companion to African Literatures" James Currey, Oxford. ISBN 0-85255-549-0

* Hanley P., Editor, (2005) "The Spirit of Agriculture" George Ronald, Oxford. ISBN 085398-501-4


* Herdeck, D. E. (1998) "Appreciating the Difference: the Autobiography of Three Continents Press" Passeggata Press, Pueblo Colorado. ISBN 1-57889-022-5

* Currey, J. (2008) "Africa Writes Back: the African Writers Series and the Launch of African Literature" James Currey, Oxford. ISBN 978-1-84701-502-0

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