List of political parties in Sweden

List of political parties in Sweden

Political parties in Sweden lists political parties in Sweden.

Sweden has a multi-party system, with numerous parties in which no one party often has a chance of gaining power alone, and parties must work with each other to form coalition governments.

The parties

The letter or letters in brackets after each Swedish party name are the abbreviations commonly used for those parties in the Swedish media.

Parties in the Riksdag

Parties represented in the Parliament of Sweden (in alphabetic order):

*Centre Party (Centerpartiet) (c)
*Christian Democrats (Kristdemokraterna) (kd)
*Green Party (Miljöpartiet de Gröna, literally: Environment Party the Greens) (mp)
*Left Party (Vänsterpartiet) (v)
*Liberal People's Party (Folkpartiet Liberalerna, literally: People's Party the Liberals) (fp)
*Moderate Party (Moderata samlingspartiet, literally: Moderate Coalition Party) (m)
*Swedish Social Democratic Party (Sveriges Socialdemokratiska arbetarparti, literally: Social Democratic Labour or Workers' Party of Sweden) (s)

Note: the four cabinet parties (the Centre Party, the Christian Democrats, the Liberal People's Party and the Moderate Party) have formed Alliance for Sweden.

Minor parties

*Centre Democrats (Centrumdemokraterna)
*Communist Party (Kommunistiska Partiet)
*Communist Party of Sweden (Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti)
*European Worker's Party (Europeiska Arbetarpartiet)
*Feminist Initiative (Feministiskt initiativ) (fi)
*Healthcare Party (Sjukvårdspartiet) (svp)
*June List (Junilistan) (jl)
*National Democrats (Nationaldemokraterna)
*Norrbotten Party (Norrbottenspartiet)
*Pirate Party (Piratpartiet) (pp)
*Right-wing Party the Conservatives (Högerpartiet de konservativa)
*Socialist Party (Socialistiska Partiet)
*Socialist Justice Party (Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna)
*Communist League (Kommunistiska Förbundet)
*Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) (sd)
*Swedish Senior Citizen Interest Party (Sveriges Pensionärers Intresseparti) (spi)
*National Socialist Front (Nationalsocialistisk Front) (NSF)
*Social Party (Sociala Partiet) (SP)

Local parties

* Alternative ("Alternativet")
* Alvesta Alternative ("Alvesta Alternativet")
* Axel Ingmar's List - Avesta Party ("Axel Ingmars Lista - Avestapartiet")
* Berg Party ("Bergspartiet")
* "Bergas Bästa - partipolitiskt obunden lista"
* "Bopartiet"
* Botkyrkapartiet
* ("Medborgarpartiet: skola - vård - omsorg")
* Cooperation in Mullsjö ("Samverkan i Mullsjö")
* Drevviken Party ("Drevvikenpartiet")
* Fair Democracy ("Rättvis Demokrati")
* Falu Party ("Falupartiet")
* "Folkhemmet i Hofors-Torsåker"
* Free Democrats of Arjeplog ("Arjeplogs Fria Demokrater")
* Free Norrland ("Fria Norrland")
* Free Trade Party of Norrbotten ("Norrbottens Frihandelsparti")
* "Frihetliga Ljusdalsbygden"
* Future Party ("Framtidspartiet")
* Future of Mullsjö ("Mullsjös Framtid")
* Health Care for Everybody ("Omsorg för Alla")
* Hedemora Party ("Hedemorapartiet")
* Kiruna Party (Kirunapartiet)
* "Kommunens Bästa - Ölandspartiet"
* Laholm Party ("Laholmspartiet")
* Left Democrats (Vänsterdemokraterna)
* Leisure Time Party ("Fritidspartiet")
* Leksand Party ("Leksandspartiet")
* Libertarian Municipal People ("Frihetliga Kommunalfolket")
* Lidingöpartiet
* Life Quality in the Municipality of Högsby ("Livskvalité i Högsby Kommun")
* Mora Party ("Morapartiet")
* Municipal List ("Kommunlistan")
* Municipal Party VDM ("Kommunpartiet VDM")
* Popular Movement for the Good of Borlänge ("Folkrörelsen för Borlänges Bästa")
* Ronneby Party ("Ronnebypartiet")
* Social List Active Politics ("Sociala Listan Aktiv Politik")
* Solidarity - Work - Peace - Ecology ("Solidaritet - Arbete - Fred - Ekologi")
* Stockholm Party ("Stockholmspartiet")
* Stop E4 West - Culture Party ("Stoppa E4 Väst - Kulturpartiet")
* Sölvesborg Party ("Sölvesborgspartiet")
* Uddevalla Party ("Uddevallapartiet")
* Vimmerby Party ("Vimmerbypartiet")
* Voice of the People - VOX humana ("Folkets röst - VOX humana")
* Youth List ("Ungdomslistan")
* Älvdalen Party ("Älvdalspartiet")


*Caps (Mössorna, 18th century)
*Hats (Hattarna, 18th century)
*Social Democratic Left Party of Sweden (Sverges Socialdemokratiska Vänsterparti, 1921-1923)
*Communist Party of Sweden - Höglund Faction (Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti, 1924-1926)
*Socialist Party (Socialistiska Partiet, 1929-1945)
*Clerical People's Party (Kyrkliga Folkpartiet, 1930's)
*Left Socialist Party (Vänstersocialistiska Partiet, 1940-1963)
*Revolutionary Socialist Party (Revolutionära Socialistiska Partiet, 1950-1951)
*Communist Labour League of Sweden (Sveriges Kommunistiska Arbetareförbund, 1956-1967)
*Communist League Marxist-Leninists/Communist Party of Sweden/Solidarity Party (Kommunistiska Förbundet Marxist-Leninisterna/Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti/Solidaritetspartiet, 1967-199?)
*Marxist-Leninist Struggle League for the Communist Party of Sweden (m-l) (Marxist-Leninistiska Kampförbundet, 1970-1981)
*Communist Unity Groups (Kommunistiska Enhetsgrupperna, 1975-1977)
*Communist Workers' League of Sweden (Sveriges Kommunistiska Arbetarförbund, 1977-?)
*Communist Party of Sweden (marxist-leninists)/Communist Workers Party of Sweden (Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti (marxist-leninisterna)/Sveriges Kommunistiska Arbetarparti, 1980-1993)
*Communist Party in Sweden (Kommunistiska Partiet i Sverige, 1982-1993)
*The Marxists (Marxisterna, 1990's)
*New Democracy (Ny Demokrati, 1991-2000)
*National Socialist Workers Party (Nationalsocialistiska Arbetarpartiet, 1933-1945)

Joke Parties

*Donald Duck Party
*Ezenhemmer Plastic Bags and Child Rearing Utensils Party
*The Viking Party
*Cheaper Beer Party

ee also

* Index of political parties to browse parties by name
* List of political parties to browse parties by country
* List of political parties by ideology to browse parties by name
* Membership of internationals to browse parties by membership of internationals
*European Union
*European Parliament
*County Councils of Sweden
*Municipalities of Sweden
*Liberalism and centrism in Sweden
*List of Swedish politicians

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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