

Baise (simplified Chinese: 百色; pinyin: Bósè (old) BǎiSè (new)) is a prefecture-level city in China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Geography and climate

Baise is located in northwestern Guangxi bordering Guizhou and Yunnan provinces and Vietnam. It is centraly located between the 3 major southwestern capitals, Nanning, Kunming, and Guiyang. Its area is 3,726 km² and is more than 55% forested.

Baise's climate is tropical and monsoonal. Annual precipitation is 1115 mm and average temperature is 22°C.


Baise is young by Chinese standards and was founded as a town in 1730.


Baise has 1 urban district, 11 counties, and 1 autonomous county.

City District:
*Youjiang (右江区)

*Longlin (隆林县)
*Leye (乐业县)
*Xilin (西林县)
*Tianlin (田林县)
*Lingyun (凌云县)
*Tianyang (田阳县)
*Tiandong (田东县)
*Pingguo (平果县)
*Debao (德保县)
*Napo City (那坡县)
*Jingxi (靖西县)

Autonomous County:
*Longlin Ge Autonomous County (隆林各族自治县)


Ethnic groups include Zhuang, Han, Yao, Hui, and Miao.


Baise is one of China's most important producers of aluminum with both aluminum ore mining and almuinum product manufacturing. Baise's tropical climate make it a major food producer, especially fruits. Other natural resources include forest products, petroleum, natural gas, copper, and quartz. Baise is also Guangxi's third biggest producer of hydropower with 5 million kilowats produced annually.


Baise is blessed with beautiful natural scenery. Forested mountains harbor numerous species of plants and animals. The border areas are some of the least developed lands left in China. These features along with unique ethnic minority culture and important historical sites make it a growing tourist destination.

External links

* [ Official website] (Chinese)

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