A Feasibility Study

A Feasibility Study

Infobox Television episode
Title = A Feasibility Study
Series = The Outer Limits

Caption =
Season = 1
Episode = 29
Airdate = April 13, 1964
Production = 9
Writer = Joseph Stefano
Director = Byron Haskin
Photographer = John M. Nickolaus
Guests = Sam Wanamaker
Phyllis Love
Joyce Van Patten
David Opatoshu
Episode list = List of "The Outer Limits" episodes
Prev = The Special One
Next = Production and Decay of Strange Particles

"A Feasibility Study" is an episode of the original "The Outer Limits" television show. It first aired on 13 April, 1964, during the first season. It was remade in 1997 as part of the revived "The Outer Limits" series with a minor title change. See "Feasibility Study"

Opening narration

:"The planet Luminos: A minor planet, sultry and simmering. Incapacitated. Earth scientists have concluded that there could be no life on Luminos, that it is too close to its own sun, and that its inhabitants would be victimized by their own blighting atmosphere. But there is life on Luminos — life that should resemble ours, but doesn't. Desperate life, suffering a great and terrible need. The Luminoids have begun to search the universe in an effort to gratify that need. They seek a planet on which life is healthy, vibrant, strong, and mobile. They need such people to do their work, to labor and slave for them, to manufacture their splendored dreams. The Luminoids need slaves, and they have chosen the planet off which their slaves will be abducted. Not too many at first, a neighborhood-full, perhaps. A neighborhood like mine or yours. Those who will be abducted sleep in dreamy ignorance, unaware that they are about to become the subjects of a grotesque and sophisticated experiment... a feasibility study."


Residents in a city suburb awake one morning to find their neighborhood has been transported to another planet the previous night. The intention of the aliens is to study the feasibility of enslaving the entire human race to do manual labor on their planet. But the aliens must overcome humanity's susceptibility to its diseases, and the willpower of mankind's resistance to slavery.

Closing narration

" 'Do not enter upon or cross this area. Do not touch or remove possibly radioactive dirt or rocks. If you have any knowledge concerning this disappearance, please contact your nearest police department.' It could have happened to any neighborhood. Had those who lived in this one been less human, less brave, it would have happened to all the neighborhoods of the Earth. Feasibility study ended. Abduction of human race: Infeasible."


* Sam Wanamaker – as Simon Holm
* Phyllis Love – as Andrea Holm
* David Opatoshu – as Ralph Cashman
* Joyce Van Patten – as Rhea Cashman
* Ben Wright – as voice of Authority
* Frank Puglia – as Father Fontana
* Glenn Cannon – as Teenager
* Robert H. Justman – as Being

External links

* [http://membres.lycos.fr/tmcr/daystar/tol_s1/tol_eps29.shtml Detailed episode guide] by 'Monsieur Vincent'

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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