

Fugleman (from the German "Flügelmann", the man on the "Flügel" or wing; wingman), properly a military term for a soldier who is selected to act as guide, and posted generally on the flanks with the duty of directing the march in the required line, or of giving the time, etc., to the remainder of the unit, which conforms to his movements, in. any military exercise. The word is then applied to a ringleader or one who takes the lead in any movement or concerted movement.

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  • Fugleman — Fu gle*man, n.; pl. {Fuglemen}. [G. fl[ u]gelmann file leader; fl[ u]gel wing (akin to E. fly) + mann man. Cf. {Flugrelman}.] 1. (Mil.) A soldier especially expert and well drilled, who takes his place in front of a military company, as a guide… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fugleman — [fyo͞o′gəl mən] n. pl. fuglemen [fyo͞o′gəlmən] [altered by dissimilation < Ger flügelmann, file leader, lit., wing man < flügel, wing + mann, man] 1. Historical a soldier expert in drilling, detailed to stand at the head of a unit and serve …   English World dictionary

  • fugleman — noun Etymology: modification of German Flügelmann, from Flügel wing + Mann man Date: 1804 1. a trained soldier formerly posted in front of a line of soldiers at drill to serve as a model in their exercises 2. one at the head or forefront of a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • fugleman — /fyooh geuhl meuhn/, n., pl. fuglemen. 1. (formerly) a soldier placed in front of a military company as a good model during training drills. 2. a person who heads a group, company, political party, etc.; a leader or manager. [1795 1805; < G… …   Universalium

  • fugleman — noun a) The member of a military group who leads the way or demonstrates drill b) A political leader, or a ringleader …   Wiktionary

  • fugleman — Synonyms and related words: A per se, Mahdi, ace, ancestor, announcer, antecedent, antetype, antitype, archetype, avant garde, bell cow, bell mare, bellwether, biotype, born leader, boss, buccinator, bushwhacker, champion, charismatic leader,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • fugleman — fu·gle·man || fjuːglmÉ™n n. leader and spokesman; (Archaic) soldier posted in front of a military line to serve as a model during drills …   English contemporary dictionary

  • fugleman — [ fju:g(ə)lmən] noun (plural fuglemen) 1》 historical a soldier who stands in front of a regiment or company to act as a model in demonstrating drilling exercises. 2》 a leader or spokesperson. Origin C19: from Ger. Flügelmann leader of the file …   English new terms dictionary

  • fugleman — n. File leader, director, flugelman, coryphaeus …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • fugleman — fu·gle·man …   English syllables

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