- Timeline of Kurdish uprisings
Pre 19th century
* 1506-1510 - The
Yazidis uprising against theSafavids [http://persian.packhum.org/persian/pf?file=90001014&ct=16&rqs=573&rqs=596] .
* 1609 -Battle of Dimdim -Amir Khan Lepzerin (Emîrxan Lepzêrîn) (The Golden hand Khan), againstSafavid Empire . [http://www.iranica.com/articles/v7/v7f4/v7f446.html]
* 1775 -Bajalan uprising against the Zand Dynasty ( [http://www.iranica.com/articles/search/searchpdf.isc?ReqStrPDFPath=/home1/iranica/articles/v3_articles/bajalan&OptStrLogFile=/home/iranica/public_html/logs/pdfdownload.html] , p.533).19th century
* 1806-1808 -
Baban uprising - Abdurrahman Pasha ( [http://www.slis.indiana.edu/faculty/meho/meho-bibliography-2001.pdf] , p.9).
* 1829 - Cîzre uprising
* 1833 - Prince Mohammad of Soran uprising ( [http://www.slis.indiana.edu/faculty/meho/meho-bibliography-2001.pdf] , p.9).
* 1837 -Yazidis uprising, Sîncar uprising.
* 1843 - The first Botan uprising, Bedr Khan Bey uprising [http://3.1911encyclopedia.org/K/KU/KURDISTAN_PROV_.htm] .
* 1843 - Culemerg uprising
* 1847 - Bedirhan uprising ( [http://www.slis.indiana.edu/faculty/meho/meho-bibliography-2001.pdf] , p.9).
* 1855 - Yezdan Sher uprising ( [http://www.slis.indiana.edu/faculty/meho/meho-bibliography-2001.pdf] , p.9).
* 1880-1881 - Shaikh Ubeydullah of Nehri uprising against theQajars [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2267/is_1_70/ai_102140955/pg_25] , [http://3.1911encyclopedia.org/K/KU/KURDISTAN_PROV_.htm] .20th century
Ottomans and Qajar era
* 1916, March - The first Dersim uprising
*1919 ,11 May - Elî Bati uprising
*1919 ,21 May -Mahmud Barzanji uprising
* 1919-1922 - Rebellion ofIsmail Simko (or Simqu) inIranian Kurdistan [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2267/is_1_70/ai_102140955/pg_25] .
* 1920 - Koçgirî uprising (seeKurds in Turkey ).Post
Ottoman empire *
1924 ,4 September - Beytüşşebab uprising
*1925 ,14 February -31 May -Shaikh Said Piran uprising [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2267/is_1_70/ai_102140955/pg_16] .
*1925 ,10 June - Nehrî uprising
*1925 ,7 August - 1926 - Raman û Reşkotan uprising
*1926 ,21 January - Hazro uprising
*1926 ,16 May -17 June - The first Agiri uprising (seeKurds in Turkey ).
*1926 ,7 October - Koçuşağı uprising
*1927 ,26 May -25 August - Mutkî uprising.
*1927 ,13 September - The second Agiri uprising (seeKurds in Turkey ).
* 1927 - Biçar uprising
* 1928 - Sason-Perwarî-Kozluk uprising
*1929 ,22 May -3 August - Zîlan uprising
*1929 ,6 July - Asi Resul uprising
* 1929 - Tendûrek uprising
*1930 ,26 may - Savur uprising
*1930 ,20 June - Zeylan uprising
*1930 ,21 July - Oramar uprising
* 1930, 7-14 September - The third Agiri uprising [http://members.tripod.com/~zaza_kirmanc/research/paul.htm]
* 1930, September - secondMahmud Barzanji uprising
*1930 ,24 October - Pülümür uprising
* 1931, November - Shaikh Ahmed Barzani uprising
*1937 ,21 March -1938 , 16 July - Second Dersim uprising (seeKurds in Turkey ).World War II until present
* 1941-1944, Hama Rashid's Revolt in
Iranian Kurdistan .
* 1946,Republic of Mahabad .
*1961 ,11 September - military struggle inIraqi Kurdistan against Iraqi government.
* 1979- 1983,Iranian Kurdistan [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2267/is_1_70/ai_102140955/pg_26] .
*1984 ,15 August - Beginning of the struggle ofPKK Guerilla s
* 1991, Spring -Iraqi Kurdistan
*1992 March 5 , The city of Rania
*1992 March 5 , The city of Sulaymania
*1992 March 21 -March 22 , The most symbolic city ofKirkuk
* 2004 March,Western Kurdistan
* 2005Summer ,Iranian Kurdistan
* 2005,Turkish Kurdistan ee also
History of the Kurds
*Iranian Kurdistan
*Kurds in Turkey
*Iraqi Kurdistan
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