- Caparaó National Park
Caparaó National Park is a park located on the border between
Minas Gerais andEspírito Santo states inBrazil .Its coordinates are 20º19’—20º 37’ S and 41º43’—41º53’ W.
Pico da Bandeira , one of the highest mountains inBrazil , is located there.It is clearly visible in this [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=+20°26'1.60%22S++41°48'6.25%22W&ll=-20.434734,-41.802979&spn=1.299726,2.686157&t=k satellite photo (Google)] as a dark green area.
The park is one of many to protect Mata Atlantica, the Atlantic Rain Forest.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.