

Aleroy ( _ru. Алерой; Chechen: Ӏаларой) is a village in Kurchaloyevsky District of the Chechen Republic, Russia.

In January 28–29, 2004 a force of Akhmad Kadyrov's Security Service and police carried out a mass cleansing operation in Aleroy, which is also the native village of rebel president Aslan Maskhadov. Two days later Sultan Dadayev, who led the operation, and four of his men were shot dead in Aleroy by pro-Maskhadov fighters.

On May 1, 2004, Aleroy was invaded by fighters from the Akhmed Avdarkhanov group. The combatants went to the home of the Abuyev family, whose son Suleiman worked for Kadyrov Security Service. Suleiman was not at home and the fighters kidnapped Yusup Abuyev, Abukar Abuyev, and Isa Ousmayev. The hostages' relatives were told the men were kidnapped in retaliation for the murder of Ruslan Dalkhanov, who had been kidnapped from his house by Kadyrov's Security Service under command of Suleiman Abuyev and tortured to death. On November 9, 2004 a grave was discovered in the proximity of Aleroy, which contained the bodies of the three men, kidnapped by the Chechen fighters on May 1.

On July 12, 2004 guerillas entered Avtury. The fighters first blocked all entrances to the village and then in the videoatpped attack seized the buildings of the security forces, inflicting heavy casualties and capturing twelve members of pro-Moscow Chechen militia. A small relief force composed of a carload of paramilitaries was ambushed and destroyed, according to villagers.


*Institute for War & Peace Reporting, 2004

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