- Paul Stebbings
Paul Stebbings is artistic director of TNT music theatre and The American Drama Group Europe.
Paul Stebbings was born in
Nottingham and studieddrama atBristol University , where he received first class honours. He trained in the Grotowski method with Triple Action Theatre in Britain andPoland .Paul founded TNT music theatre in 1980 and received regular
Arts Council funding for work in the UK. Paul has also acted forNottingham Playhouse and TNT and directed and written for South Yorkshire Theatre; Paragon Ensemble, Glasgow; Tams Theatre, Munich; the St. Petersburg State comedy Theatre, the Athens Concert Hall, Megaron; and the Teatro Dioniso Costa Rica.His productions have toured to over forty countries worldwide. Festival appearances include the award winning "Wizard of Jazz" at the Munich Biennale (critics prize), the Off Broadway Festival in [New York] , the Fajr Festival Tehran and the Tokyo International Festival, and recent award winning performances at the
Edinburgh Festival ("The murder of Sherlock Holmes", in which he played the title role).His numerous productions for TNT and the American Drama Group Europe include "Macbeth", "One flew over the cuckoo's nest", "Brave New World", "Moon Palace" (a dance drama version of
Paul Auster 's contemporary novel) and "A Midsummer Night's Dream' 'Hamlet' and his own plays (co-written with Phil Smith) such as 'Hitler Killed My Canary' and 'The Wizard of Jazz' (composer John Kenny).One of Paul's main areas of interest is the integration of music and theatre which culminated in the production of "Moby Dick".Recently TNT and ADG have expanded into a worldwide touring theatre, described by CCTV (China National TV) as 'the most popular touring theatre in the world'. Website: www.adg-europe.com
His production of TAMING OF THE SHREW will be the first original Shakespeare production at the new National Grand Theatre of China.TNT is based in Britain or works with British actors abroad. Paul lives in Munich with his wife, TV executive, Angelika Stebbings.
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