

Payasi was a materialist philosopher in ancient India and was possibly a contemporary of Buddha. He was possibly a prince, if early Buddhist and Jaina sources could be believed.

The only source of information that survives today about this philosopher is in the form of "purvapaksa" - material available in the works of others, which are cited for refutation.

"Payasi-suttanta" (a Buddhist work) and "Rayapasenaijja" (a Jaina work) were devoted to the refutation of Payasi's views.These works claim that he eventually converted to Buddhism or Jainism.

According to "Payasi-suttanta" , as quoted by Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, "Neither is there any other world, nor are there beings reborn otherwise than from parents, nor is there fruit or result of deed well-done or ill-done." ["Indian Philosophy"- Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, Page 195.]



*"Indian Philosophy"- Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya: People's Publishing House, New Delhi. (First Published: 1964, 7th Edition: 1993)

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