

Schleich is a German producer of toy figurines and accessories. The company is headquartered in Germany. While the traditional market for Schleich products is Europe, their toys are sold worldwide and are now becoming quite popular in North America and the United Kingdom.


Schleich was founded by Friedrich Schleich in 1935. Their figurines first came to life in the 1950's with the development, production and marketing of comic figurines such as Snoopy and The Smurfs. In the early 1980s they added animal figurines to their range of products. Schleich is now in its third generation of ownership.

The design of products and the creation of tooling is mostly in-house. Production is at the German headquarters and in production facilities in foreign countries.

The current line of figurines now encompasses animals, knights, dinosaurs, Smurfs, pets, elves and the American frontier along with many accessories for each.

As of May 2007, the new Elfen line was introduced. It features Southern and Northern Elfen in a battle of light and dark.

Also, Schleich is offering a Biblical Manger Set.

Schleich is currently headquartered in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany.

External links

* [ Schleich website]

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