

"Vâlvă" (plural "vâlve") is a female spirit mentioned in Romanian folklore. Akin to the "Iele", the "Vâlve" are believed to walk over the hilltops at night, and are subdivided into "Vâlve Albe" ("White Vâlve"), who are considered beneficial, and "Vâlve Negre" ("Black Vâlve" or "Dark Vâlve"), who are considered evil. In certain contexts, they are believed to have human form (especially when they came to protect villages from a storm). They may also appear under various guises, such as shadows or black cats. They also have the ability to shapeshift.

The "Vâlve" include several types, among which are: "Vâlva Apei" ("of the water"), considered as a sort of guardian of the water sources and fountains; "Vâlva Bucatelor" (roughly, "of the morsels"), protector of the poor people, and of crops; "Vâlva Băilor" ("of the mines"), defender and protector of mines and tunnels, whose departure means that the deposit is coming to an end; "Vâlva Banilor" ("of the money"), protector of money; "Vâlva Comorilor" ("of the treasures"), protector of treasures, who can also signal the spot where these are buried; "Vâlva Pădurii" ("of the forest"), protector of woodlands, similar to "Muma Padurii"; "Vâlva Ciumei" ("of the plague"), controlling bubonic plague and other diseases; "Vâlva Zilelor" ("of the days"), protector of the days (there is one for each day of the week); "Vâlva Cetăţilor" ("of the citadels"), defender of ancient ruins.

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