

Beroe may refer to:

* Stara Zagora, a city in Bulgaria, which was founded under the name Beroe (meaning iron) and renamed to "Augusta Trajana"
** PFC Beroe Stara Zagora, commonly known as PFK Beroe, a football club from Stara Zagora
*** Beroe Stadium, PFK Beroe's multi-use stadium
* a Roman fortified frontier post at the lower Danube, now Punctu Piatra Frecăţei in Romania

* Beroe, a genus of the Nuda class of comb jellies (ctenophore phyllum)
* Beroe, one of the Nereids

* Beroe Hill, a hill in Livingston Island, West Antarctica

See also

* Beroea, also called Berea, an ancient city in Greece, now known as Veria
** Beroeans, the inhabitants of that city, also called Bereans

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  • béroé — ● béroé nom féminin (latin Beroe, nom propre) Cténaire planctonique de forme ovoïde, transparent, formant parfois des bancs immenses sur les côtes de France. ⇒BÉROÉ, subst. masc., fém. Mollusque marin phosphorescent, transparent, en forme de sac …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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