Seydina Balde

Seydina Balde

Seydina Balde (born 23 September 1976) is a French martial artist, actor, and stunt choreographer.

Balde was born in Paris. He credits Jean-Claude Van Damme with inspiring him to pursue martial arts. At the age of 16, he began studying karate. He enjoyed quick success, winning the title of Junior Champion of the World after only four years of practice. In the world of martial arts, he is sometimes known by the nickname «la perle noire du karaté» ("the black pearl of karate").

Intending to become an actor, he studied comedy at the [ Laboratoire de lacteur] under Hélène Zidi-Cheruy. In 2001, he appeared in the television adaptation of Largo Winch, and made his film debut the following year in Brian De Palma's "Femme Fatale".

It has been [ reported] that Balde will play a role in the upcoming James Bond film "Casino Royale".

External links

* [ Official website]


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