

The eTwinning project aims to encourage European schools to collaborate using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The project was born under the European Union's e-Learning programme and is now part of the Lifelong Learning Programme. See the EU education website for more information:

The main concept behind eTwinning is that schools are paired with another school elsewhere in the Europe. The two schools then communicate using the Internet (for example, by e-mail or video conferencing) to collaborate, share and learn from each other. eTwinning encourages and develops ICT skills as the main activities inherently use information technology. Being 'twinned' with a foreign school also encourages cross-cultural exchanges of knowledge, fosters students' intercultural awareness, and improves their communication skills.

eTwinning projects last for any length of time ranging from only a week, to months, up to creating permanent relationships between schools. Schools (both primary and secondary) within the European Union member states, including Norway, Iceland and Bulgaria, can participate in the eTwinning project.

European Schoolnet has been granted the role of Central Support Service (CSS). eTwinning is also supported by a network of National Support Services (NSS).


* [ Gilleran, A. (2007) eTwinning - A New Path for European Schools, eLearning Papers]
* [ European Schoolnet (2007) Learning with eTwinning: A Handbook for Teachers 2007]
* [ European Schoolnet (2006) Learning with eTwinning]

External links

* [ The official portal for eTwinning] (available in 21 languages)
* [ European Schoolnet]
* [ German eTwinning website]
* [ British Council eTwinning]
* [ Greek eTwinning website]
* [ Press Release for 2008 etwinning prizes]
* [ Example of an etwinning project]

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