

name = Katapult

caption = A screenshot of Katapult under GNOME, launching Mozilla Firefox
developer = [http://launchpad.net/~katapult-dev Katapult Developers]
latest_release_version =
latest_release_date = July 1, 2007
operating_system = Linux with KDE
genre = KDE Improvement
license = GPL
website = [http://katapult.kde.org/ Katapult homepage]

Katapult is a Linux software utility for KDE. It allows the user to quickly launch applications or open files by pressing "Alt + space" and typing the beginning of the file or application name. It has been written in C++.

Katapult doubles as a quick calculator, spell checker, and document viewer. Katapult also evaluates expressions (e.g. "5+1"). The solution appears on the right (e.g. "6"). Katapult also features a spell checker that allows the user to verify the spelling of a typed-in word.

Katapult file access supports incremental find. The user does not need to type in the entire name of the file to access it, only the first few letters. This feature may also be used to open applications, play songs via Amarok, and in other contexts as well. The Escape key exits Katapult. The Enter key opens applications that are displayed.

Katapult was inspired by Quicksilver for Mac OS X.

See also

* Comparison of applications launchers

External links

* [http://katapult.kde.org/ Website]
* [http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=33985 katapult on KDE-apps]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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