Lullaby — «Lullaby» Сингл Nickelback из альбома … Википедия
Lullaby — «Lullaby» Sencillo de The Cure del álbum Disintegration Publicación 10 de abril de 1989 (Reino Unido) Formato Sencillo de 7 y 12 pulgadas, CD Género(s) Rock Alternativo … Wikipedia Español
Lullaby B&B — (Ballabio,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Via Europa 1, 23811 Ballabio, Италия … Каталог отелей
lullaby — [lul′ə bī΄] n. pl. lullabies [< lulla (< ME), echoic + by, as in BYE BYE] 1. a song for lulling a baby to sleep; cradlesong 2. music for this vt. lullabied, lullabying to lull with or as with a lullaby … English World dictionary
lullaby — lull a*by, n. [From {Lull}, v. t. ] 1. A song to quiet babes or lull them to sleep; that which quiets. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence: Good night; good by. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lullaby — (n.) 1560s, lulley by, from M.E. lollai, lullay, from lullen (see LULL (Cf. lull) (v.)). Second element perhaps from by by good by … Etymology dictionary
lullaby — ► NOUN (pl. lullabies) ▪ a soothing song sung to send a child to sleep. ORIGIN from LULL(Cf. ↑lull) + bye bye, a sound used as a refrain in lullabies … English terms dictionary
Lullaby — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Lullaby est un mot anglais signifiant berceuse. Cinéma et télévision Lullaby est un court métrage américain réalisé par Boris Deutsch en 1925. Lullaby est … Wikipédia en Français
Lullaby — A lullaby is a soothing song, usually sung to children before they go to sleep. They originated in England in the late 1300s. The idea is that the song sung by a familiar and beautiful voice will lull the child to sleep. Lullabies written by… … Wikipedia
lullaby — n. to hum; sing a lullaby to * * * [ lʌləbaɪ] sing a lullaby to to hum … Combinatory dictionary