Knowledge deity

Knowledge deity

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- !Name!Place and Religion of Origin!Notes

Polynesian mythology (specifically Micronesia)|
Greek mythology
Coeus was not a god but in fact a titan.
Erlang Shen
Chinese mythology
Erlang Shen is often depicted with an extra 'truth-seeing' eye in the centre of his head.
Roman mythology
Offerings were given to Fabulinus when a child spoke its first words because he was the god that taught children to speak.
Odin, Mímir
Norse mythology
Odin had sacrificed his eye in Mímir's Well which granted him wisdom and the power to see into the future. Mímir himself was said to have been the wisest of the gods.
Irish mythology
Ogma was thought to have invented the first Irish alphabet, Ogham.
Omoikane's name literally means "Serving One's Thoughts".
Egyptian mythology
Thoth became credited by the ancient Egyptians as the inventor of writing, and was also considered to have been the scribe of the underworld.
Indian mythology
Saraswati is the first of the three great goddesses of Hinduism. She is the Goddess of Knowledge and all literary arts including music, arts, and speech.

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