Stauz Czycz

Stauz Czycz

In the Star Wars galaxy, Stauz Czycz was a bounty hunter and former soldier of an unknown alien species. His family was killed when Palpatine ordered the bombing of his planet.

In order to get revenge, Stauz Czycz underwent a complete cyborg conversion, even altering his body in order to appear Human. Under the alias Awarru Tark, he became a bounty hunter. In 3 ABY, he was invited along with several other bounty hunters, to meet with Darth Vader about a bounty posting on Han Solo and Leia Organa.

"Tark" arrived late, and met with Vader alone on the "Avenger". Once they were alone, he attacked Vader. Though Czycz was nearly a match for the Dark Lord, Vader extracted Czycz's true identity using the Force, then used telekinesis to shut down the bounty hunter's force field. Vader then killed Czycz with his lightsaber.

Behind the scenes

It is odd that Czycz met Vader on the "Avenger", since Vader's flagship was the "Executor" at the time.


*"Moment of Doubt", in "Star Wars Tales 4"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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