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CSR — may refer to: In business: CSR Limited, an Australian industrial company, formerly known as Colonial Sugar Refining Company CSR plc, or Cambridge Silicon Radio, a British silicon chip designer and software company CSR Corporation Limited, a… … Wikipedia
CSR — steht für: Campsite Reconnaissance (Patrouillenfahrt), ein Begriff aus der militärischen Aufklärung Canadian Speedcore Resistance, ein Plattenlabel aus der Musikrichtung Speedcore Certificate Signing Request (deutsch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ČSR — 〈[tʃe: ] 1918 1960 Abk. für〉 Československá Republika (Tschechoslowakische Republik) * * * ČSR [tʃeːɛs ɛr], Abkürzung für: 1) Československá Republika, deutsch Tschechoslowakische Republik, 1918 39 und 1945 60 amtlicher Name der… … Universal-Lexikon
ČSR — 〈[tʃe: ] 1918 1960 Abk. für〉 Československá Republika, Tschechoslowakische Republik … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
ČSR — Československo (tschechisch) Česko Slovensko (slowakisch) Tschechoslowakei … Deutsch Wikipedia
CSR — Customs Statistical Reference a code which identifies both the type of export consignment and the type of documentation that goes with the consignment. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary * * * CSR CSR abbreviation for corporate social responsibility * … Financial and business terms
CSR — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. L abréviation CSR peut faire signifier : Courant syndicaliste révolutionnaire Casuarito en Colombie, selon la liste des codes AITA des aéroports Voir … Wikipédia en Français
CSR — არსებობს CSR ის მრავალი განსაზღვრება: ბიზნესის ეთიკა, მდგრადობა, კორპორაციული მოქალაქეობა. ზოგი კომპანიისათვის ეს ,,საქმის მართებულად კეთებაა, სხვებისთის – საშუალება სტრატეგიულად განასხვაოს მისი კომპანია სხვა კომპანიებისაგან და მეტი ღირებულება… … Georgian encyclopedia
CSR — abbreviation certified shorthand reporter; chartered stenographic reporter * * * CSR UK [ˌsiː es ˈɑː(r)] US [ˌsi es ˈɑr] noun [uncountable] business corporate social responsibility: the belief that a company should consider the social and… … Useful english dictionary
CSR Limited — Type Public company (ASX: CSR) Founded Sydney, Australia Headquarters … Wikipedia