

Instantiation or instance may be
*Philosophy::*A concept in Platonism, see "idea":*"Instantiation principle" - the idea that if properties exist, the essence that "has" the properties must necessarily exist:*"Universal instantiation" and "existential instantiation", two rules of logical inference:*A "substitution instance" is a formula of mathematical logic that can be produced by substituting certain strings of symbols for others in formulas.
*An "Object (computer science)" is often also referred to as an instance of a class
*"Table instance" (or "database instance"), a concept in database design; see Row (database)
*Instance dungeon, a feature of many online games such as World of Warcraft and City of Heroes
*The first moment of existence of a thing, whether living or not. The concept of the big bang theory, at the instant it happened, represents the "instantiation" of the universe.
*instance (law)

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  • Instantiation principle — The instantiation principle is a concept in philosophy that states that if something has a property, then necessarily that something must exist. For it not to exist would be a property without an essence, which is impossible.For example, an apple …   Wikipedia

  • Instantiation universelle — Instanciation universelle En logique, l instanciation universelle (également appelée Dictum de omni) est une règle d inférence qui permet, à partir d une vérité sur l ensemble des membres d une classe d entités, d inférer une vérité sur une… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • instantiation — noun see instantiate …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Instantiation — Instance (programmation) Pour les articles homonymes, voir instance. En programmation orientée objet, on appelle instance d une classe, un objet avec un comportement et un état, tous deux définis par la classe. Dans ce contexte, instance est un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • instantiation — See instantiate. * * * …   Universalium

  • instantiation — noun something instantiated; an instance See Also: instance, instancy, instant, instantaneous, instantiate …   Wiktionary

  • instantiation — n. act of providing evidence to support a claim, act of supporting with an example; act of producing a more specifically defined object by replacing some variables with values (Computer Programming) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • instantiation — in·stan·ti·a·tion …   English syllables

  • instantiation — noun a representation of an idea in the form of an instance of it how many instantiations were found? • Derivationally related forms: ↑instantiate • Hypernyms: ↑representation, ↑mental representation, ↑internal representation …   Useful english dictionary

  • Null instantiation — In frame semantics, a theory of linguistic meaning, null instantiation is the name of a category used to annotate, or tag, absent semantic constituents or frame elements (Fillmore et al. 2003, Section 3.4). Frame semantics, best exemplified by… …   Wikipedia

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