Green Pheasant

Green Pheasant

name = Green Pheasant

image_width = 220px
image_caption = Male (left) and female. Uniform color of male (with no white on neck) and spotted underside of female are characteristic.
status = LC | status_system = IUCN3.1
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Galliformes
familia = Phasianidae
genus = "Phasianus"
species = "P. versicolor"
binomial = "Phasianus versicolor"
binomial_authority = Vieillot, 1817
The Green Pheasant, "Phasianus versicolor" also known as Japanese Pheasant is a bird of the lowlands. Closely related to the Common Pheasant, the cock is distinguished by dark green plumage on breast and mantle. The male has an iridescent violet neck, red bare facial skin and purplish green tail. The female is smaller than male, and has a dull brown plumage with dark spots.

Native and endemic to the Japanese Archipelago, the Green Pheasant is the national bird of Japan.

This species is common and widespread throughout its native range. It frequents farmlands and is often seen close to human settlements; it also has been introduced in Hawaii and the United States as a gamebird.

Some authorities consider the Green Pheasant a subspecies of the Common Pheasant.

External links

* - [ Green Pheasant "(Phasianus versicolor)"]

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