- Ali Mohamed
Ali Abdul Saoud Mohamed, (Ali Abdelsoud Mohammed) also known as Ali Mohammed (born 1952) (sometimes called "al-Amriki", the American) fits the profile of a double agent, according to Larry Johnson (former deputy chief of counterterrorism at the US State Department). [Ton Hays and Sharon Theimer, [http://www.geocities.com/libertystrikesback/AliMohammed.html "Egyptian agent worked with Green Berets, bin Laden"] , "Jerusalem Post", Dec. 31, 2001 (copy).] Mohammed worked for the CIA, and US special forces, at different times during the 1980s and 1990s. In the same period, he also co-operated with
Egyptian Islamic Jihad andal-Qaeda . He is an acknowledgedAl Qaeda operative. In the 1980s Mohamed trained anti-Soviet fighters en route to Afghanistan. FBI special agent Jack Cloonan called him "bin Laden's first trainer". [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline//////torture/interviews/cloonan.html Interview with FBI special agent Jack Cloonan] , Frontline, PBS, Oct. 18, 2005.] Mohamed was charged with theAugust 7 ,1998 bombings of theUnited States ' embassies inNairobi ,Kenya and inDar es Salaam ,Tanzania . In October 2000, he pleaded guilty to five counts of conspiracy to kill nationals of the United States and officers or employees of the U.S. government on account of their official duties, to murder andkidnap , and to destroy U.S. property.Mohammed has been described as "Six-foot one, 200 pounds, and exceptionally fit, ... a martial artist and skilled linguist who spoke fluent English, French, and Hebrew in addition to his native Arabic. He was disciplined, clever, and gregarious, with a marked facility for making friends." [cite book
|last=Wright |first=Lawrence |title=Looming Tower |pages=180 |year=2006 |isbn=1400030846]Mohamed was a major in the Egyptian army's
military intelligence unit, until being discharged for suspected fundamentalism in 1984. A member of theEgyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ), he is reported to have been given the task of penetrating American intelligence by EIJ leaderAyman Zawahiri . He was not successful in that but did succeed in enlisting in theU.S. Army and using U.S. military information to train al-Qaeda and other Muslim militants, and write al-Qaeda's multivolume terrorist training guide. [cite book
|last=Wright |first=Lawrence |title=Looming Tower |pages=180 |year=2006 |isbn=1400030846]In the United States
In 1984 Mohammed offered his services to the CIA in Cairo station and was stationed in Hamburg Germany. There he "entered a mosque associated with Hezbollah and immediately told the Iranian cleric in charge that he was an American spy assigned to infiltrate the community." The mosque had already been penertrated and his announcement was passed on to the CIA, which, according to Lawrence Wright, "terminated Mohammed" and "sent out cables labeling him highly untrustworthy." By this "time, however, Mohammed was already in California on a visa-waiver program that was sponsored by the agency itself, one designed to shield valuable assets or those who have performed important services for the country." [cite book
|last=Wright |first=Lawrence |title=Looming Tower |pages=180 |year=2006 |isbn=1400030846]In America he married an American woman from Santa Clara, California after a 6 week courtship and became a U.S.citizen. [ [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2001/09/21/MN224103.DTL&hw=ali+mohamed&sn=003&sc=282 Bin Laden's man in Silicon Valley] ] He enlisted in the U.S. Army and managed to get stationed at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg, North Carolina until 1989.ref|CoopResearch "His awed superiors found him `beyond reproach` and consistently accomplished.`" [cite book
|last=Wright |first=Lawrence |title=Looming Tower |pages=180 |year=2006 |isbn=1400030846] According toCooperative Research , Mohamed was aDrill sergeant at Fort Bragg, and was hired to teach courses on Arabic culture at theJohn F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center .In 1988 Mohmmaed informed his superior officers in the U.S. Army that he was taking some leave time to fight Soviets in Afghanistan. "A month later, he returned, boasting that he had killed two Soviet soldiers and giving away as souvenirs what he claimed were their uniform belts." Mohamed's commanding officer, Lt. Col. Robert Anderson
said he wrote detailed reports aimed at getting Army intelligence to investigate Mohamed — and have him court-martialed — but the reports were ignored.
"I think you or I would have a better chance of winning Powerball (a lottery), than an Egyptian major in the unit that assassinated Sadat would have getting a visa, getting to California ... getting into the Army and getting assigned to a Special Forces unit," he said. "That just doesn't happen."
It was equally unthinkable that an ordinary American GI would go unpunished after fighting in a foreign war, he said.
Anderson said all this convinced him that Mohamed was "sponsored" by a U.S. intelligence service. "I assumed the CIA," he said. [Lance Williams and Erik McCormick, [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2001/11/04/MN117081.DTL "Al Qaeda terrorist worked with FBI ..."] , "San Francisco Chronicle", Nov. 4, 2001.]
Mohammad also took maps and training manuals off base to downsize and copy at Kinko's and used them to write al-Qaeda's multivolume terrorist training guide that became playbook. On weekends he commuted to Brooklyn and Jersey city, where he trained Muslim militants in military tactics. Among them were members of al-Jihad, including el-Sayyid Nosair, a fellow Egyptian who would kill Rabbi Meir Kahane, the Jewish extemist in 1990. [cite book
|last=Wright |first=Lawrence |title=Looming Tower |pages=180 |year=2006 |isbn=1400030846]Mohammed also conducted clandestine military and demolition training through the
Al Kifah Refugee Center . While in theUnited States , he helped train a number of jihadis, likeEl Sayyid Nosair (who killedRabbi Meir Kahane , head of the militant, terror linkedJewish Defense League inNew York City ) andMahmud Abouhalima , who assistedRamzi Yousef in his 1993 attack on theWorld Trade Center . Mohammed associated with clerics like Abdel-Rahman.In the early 1990s Mohamed returned to Afghanistan, where "he trained the first al-Qaeda volunteers in techniques of unconventional warfare including kidnappings, assassinations, and hijacking planes, which he had learned from the American Special Forces." According to FBI special agent Jack Cloonan, in one of Mohamed's first classes were
Osama bin Laden ,Ayman al-Zawahiri , and other Qaeda leaders. [cite book
|last=Wright |first=Lawrence |title=Looming Tower |pages=181 |year=2006 |isbn=1400030846] [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline//////torture/interviews/cloonan.html Interview with FBI special agent Jack Cloonan] , Frontline, PBS, Oct. 18, 2005.]In 1993 Mohamed also traveled to Africa to case embassies in
Africa such as theNairobi , (Kenya ) embassy which Al-Qaeda later bombed. ["9/11 Commission Report", [http://www.9-11commission.gov/report/911Report_Ch2.pdf chapter 2] , p.68 ( [http://www.9-11commission.gov/report/911Report_Ch2.htm HTML version] ).] He became an FBI informant. Fact|date=August 2007Arrest
While he was
subpoena d in Rahman's trial, Ali Mohammed was not arrested until years later — on10 September 1998 , when he attempted to flee to Egypt after being subpoenaed in the aftermath of the embassy bombings inNairobi andTanzania . After eight months of imprisonment, Ali Mohammed entered a guilty plea in May 1999. What happened after that is unclear. The trial proceeded, but there is no record of any sentencing or even a conviction. As late asFebruary 20 ,2002 ,CBS News reported that "Mohammad pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentencing."ref|cbsnews There has been no further news of his specific whereabouts or sentencing but he is currently in federal custody at an unspecified location. However, the Federal Department of Prisons Inmate Locater does not show an Ali Mohamed/Mohammed/Mohamad/Muhamed/Muhammed/Muhammad or other variation currently incarcerated. [ [http://www.bop.gov/iloc2/LocateInmate.jsp Federal Bureau of Prisons - Inmate Locator ] ] Patrick Briley, an American op-ed journalist writing for NewsWithViews.com, has reported that Ali Mohammed was given an early release from prison by direct order from the Bush Administration's DOJ, specifically USAGAlberto Gonzales . [ [http://www.newswithviews.com/Briley/Patrick18.htm US PROVOCATEUR FOR AL-QAEDA FREED FOR NEW TERROR MISSION?] ]peculation He Is Cooperating With US Intelligence
In October 2001 the Raleigh News & Observer notes that Ali Mohamed may be cooperating with the US government. "Defense lawyers and many other observers believe that Mohamed, who has not yet been sentenced, is now cooperating with the United States, though the government has never confirmed this. When he is sentenced he could receive as little as 25 years under his plea agreement." [Raleigh News & Observer 10/21/2001 ] Further news sources seem to suggest that Ali Mohamed is providing information on Bin Laden and al-Quada in an attempt to reduce his sentence, [ San Fransico Chronicle 9/21/2001 ] and that his sentencing "has been postponed indefinitely." [ Associated Press 12/31/2001 ] In 2006 Mohamed's wife, Linda Sanchez, is reported as saying, "He's still not sentenced yet, and without him being sentenced I really can't say much. He can't talk to anybody. Nobody can get to him. They have Ali pretty secretive...it's like he just kinda vanished into thin air. [ Peter Lance, "Triple Cross", Harper Collins 2006]
ee also
Ghost detainee
* Peter Lance talks about his book "Triple Cross" CSPAN BookTV (Real Player needed) btv030407_4b.ramReferences
# [http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/timeline.jsp?timeline=complete_911_timeline Complete 911 Timeline] , "
Cooperative Research "
# [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2001/09/26/60II/main312674.shtml?CMP=ILC-SearchStories "By The Book"] , 60 Minutes II,CBS News ,February 20 ,2002 =Bibliography=
*Williams, Lance and Erin McCormick. [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/11/04/MN117081.DTL "Al Qaeda terrorist worked with FBI, Ex-Silicon Valley resident plotted embassy attacks"] ,"San Francisco Chronicle",November 4 ,2001 . AccessedApril 4 ,2006
*Aita, Judy. [http://usinfo.state.gov/is/Archive_Index/Ali_Mohamed.html "Ali Mohamed: The Defendant Who Did Not Go to Trial, Pled guilty to conspiracy in African embassy bombing case"] , International Information Programs, US Dept of State,May 15 ,2001 . AccessedApril 4 ,2006
*cite news|url=http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/binladen/bombings/charges.html|title=Hunting Bin Laden: The Suspects & Charges|publisher=PBS Frontline|date=2001-05-29 |accessdate=2006-04-04
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