General Learning Ability — is an Aptitude, commonly referred to as the G score, defined as the ability to catch on or understand instructions and underlying principles; ability to reason and make judgements. Closely related to doing well in school. G score is often used by … Wikipedia
Domain-general learning — theories of development hold that we develop a global knowledge structure which contains cohesive, whole knowledge internalized from experience. Domains of knowledge are thus interdependent, and training in one domain may well affect performance… … Wikipedia
Learning curve — The term learning curve refers to the graphical relation between the amount of learning and the time it takes to learn. Initially introduced in educational and behavioral psychology, the term has acquired a broader interpretation over time, and… … Wikipedia
Learning theory (education) — In psychology and education, a common definition of learning is a process that brings together cognitive, emotional, and enviromental influences and experiences for acquiring, enhancing, or making changes in one s knowledge, skills, values, and… … Wikipedia
General intelligence factor — The general intelligence factor (abbreviated g ) is a controversial construct used in the field of psychology ( see also psychometrics ) to quantify what is common to the scores of all intelligence tests. Charles Spearman, early psychometrician,… … Wikipedia
learning difficulty — UK US noun [countable] usually plural [singular learning difficulty plural learning difficulties] a condition that prevents someone from learning basic skills or information at the same rate as other people … Useful english dictionary
General Educational Development — (or GED) tests are a group of five tests which (when passed) certifies that the taker has American or Canadian high school level academic skills. To pass the GED Tests and earn a GED credential, test takers must score higher than 40 percent of… … Wikipedia
General American — is an accent of American English within American English, General American and accents approximating it are contrasted with Southern American English, several Northeastern accents, and other distinct regional accents and social group accents like … Wikipedia
general — [jen′ər əl, jen′rəl] adj. [ME < OFr < L generalis < genus (gen. generis), kind, class: see GENUS] 1. of, for, or from the whole or all; not particular or local [a general anesthetic, the general welfare] 2. of, for, or applying to a… … English World dictionary
General Technics — is an informal organization started in the mid 1970s by a handful of Midwestern college students with a common interest in hard science fiction, the hard sciences, and engineering. Since its founding, General Technics has grown to have an active… … Wikipedia