Oriental Light and Magic

Oriental Light and Magic

company_name = OLM, Incorporated
company_type =
foundation = June 1994
industry = Japanese TV, movie, and OVA animation
location = Tokyo, Setagayaku, Wakabayshi 1st District (東京都世田谷区若林1丁)
num_employees = 109
homepage = [http://www.olm.co.jp www.olm.co.jp]

nihongo|OLM Incorporated|株式会社オー・エル・エム|Kabushiki Gaisha Ōeruemu, former Oriental Light and Magic, is a Japanese animation studio founded in June 1994. Although they have worked on several anime series, their most prominent work is "Pokémon", doing all of the TV anime and films. The animation studio is composed of several teams.

List of anime

*"Poketto Monsutā Kurisutaru: Raikō Ikazuchi no Densetsu"
*"Makai Senki Disgaea
*"ToHeart TV-series

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