- APG II system
A modern system of plant taxonomy, the APG II system of plant classification was published in 2003 by the
Angiosperm Phylogeny Group , APG, in
*Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (2003). An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG II. "Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society" 141: 399-436. (Available online: [http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1046/j.1095-8339.2003.t01-1-00158.x/abstract Abstract] | [http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/118872219/HTMLSTART Full text (HTML)] | [http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1046/j.1095-8339.2003.t01-1-00158.x/pdf Full text (PDF)] )The APG II system is the successor of the
APG system . Each of these systems represents the broad consensus of a number of systematicbotanist s, united in the APG, working at several institutions worldwide.The APG II system has proven to be influential and has been adopted in whole or in part (sometimes with modifications) in a number of recent references.
Main groups in the system (all unranked
clade s):
*angiosperms :
*::core eudicots
*::::eurosids I
*::::eurosids II
*::::euasterids I
*::::euasterids II In more detail (but excluding a dozen unplaced genera), with in the beginning of each listing some families or orders that are not placed in a further clade:
* clade angiosperms
*::: familyAmborellaceae
*::: familyChloranthaceae
*::: familyNymphaeaceae [+ familyCabombaceae ]
*:: orderAustrobaileyales
*:: orderCeratophyllales
*: clade magnoliids
*::: orderCanellales
*::: orderLaurales
*::: orderMagnoliales
*::: orderPiperales
*: clademonocots
*:::: familyPetrosaviaceae
*::: orderAcorales
*::: orderAlismatales
*::: orderAsparagales
*::: orderDioscoreales
*::: orderLiliales
*::: orderPandanales
*::::: familyDasypogonaceae
*:::: orderArecales
*:::: orderCommelinales
*:::: orderPoales
*:::: orderZingiberales
*: cladeeudicots
*:::: familyBuxaceae [+ familyDidymelaceae ]
*:::: familySabiaceae
*:::: familyTrochodendraceae [+ familyTetracentraceae ]
*::: orderProteales
*::: orderRanunculales
*:: cladecore eudicots
*::::: familyAextoxicaceae
*::::: familyBerberidopsidaceae
*::::: familyDilleniaceae
*:::: orderGunnerales
*:::: orderCaryophyllales
*:::: orderSantalales
*:::: orderSaxifragales
*::: claderosids
*:::::: familyAphloiaceae
*:::::: familyGeissolomataceae
*:::::: familyIxerbaceae
*:::::: familyPicramniaceae
*:::::: familyStrasburgeriaceae
*:::::: familyVitaceae
*::::: orderCrossosomatales
*::::: orderGeraniales
*::::: orderMyrtales
*:::: cladeeurosids I
*::::::: familyZygophyllaceae [+ familyKrameriaceae ]
*::::::: familyHuaceae
*:::::: orderCelastrales
*:::::: orderCucurbitales
*:::::: orderFabales
*:::::: orderFagales
*:::::: orderMalpighiales
*:::::: orderOxalidales
*:::::: orderRosales
*:::: cladeeurosids II
*::::::: familyTapisciaceae
*:::::: orderBrassicales
*:::::: orderMalvales
*:::::: orderSapindales
*::: cladeasterids
*::::: orderCornales
*::::: orderEricales
*:::: cladeeuasterids I
*::::::: familyBoraginaceae
*::::::: familyIcacinaceae
*::::::: familyOncothecaceae
*::::::: familyVahliaceae
*:::::: orderGarryales
*:::::: orderGentianales
*:::::: orderLamiales
*:::::: orderSolanales
*:::: cladeeuasterids II
*::::::: familyBruniaceae
*::::::: familyColumelliaceae [+ familyDesfontainiaceae ]
*::::::: familyEremosynaceae
*::::::: familyEscalloniaceae
*::::::: familyParacryphiaceae
*::::::: familyPolyosmaceae
*::::::: familySphenostemonaceae
*::::::: familyTribelaceae
*:::::: orderApiales
*:::::: orderAquifoliales
*:::::: orderAsterales
*:::::: orderDipsacales Note: "+ ..." = optional segregrate family, that may be split off from the preceding family.
A cladogram showing the relationships, but excluding taxa not placed within an order:
magnoliids monocots commelinids eudicots core eudicots rosids eurosids I eurosids II asterids euasterids I euasterids II Austrobaileyales Canellales Laurales Magnoliales Piperales Acorales Alismatales Asparagales Dioscoreales Liliales Pandanales Arecales Poales Commelinales Zingiberales Ranunculales Proteales Gunnerales Caryophyllales Santalales Saxifragales Crossosomatales Geraniales Celastrales Malpighiales Oxalidales Fabales Rosales Cucurbitales Fagales Myrtales Brassicales Malvales Sapindales Cornales Ericales Garryales Gentianales Lamiales Solanales Aquifoliales Apiales Asterales Dipsacales
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
APG system — A modern system of plant taxonomy, the APG system of plant classification was published in 1998 by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. The system is unusual in being based, not on total evidence, but on the cladistic analysis of the DNA sequences of… … Wikipedia
APG II — Die Systematik der Bedecktsamer nach APG II (das APG II System von 2003) ist das wichtigste System im Pflanzenreich. Es ist der komplett überarbeitete und erneuerte Nachfolger des APG Systems von 1998. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Hauptgruppen 2… … Deutsch Wikipedia
APG-77 — Lockheed Martin F 22 Raptor … Deutsch Wikipedia
APG-66 — The AN/APG 66 radar is a solid state medium range (up to 150 km) Pulse doppler radar designed by Westinghouse (now Northrop Grumman) for use in the F 16 Fighting Falcon and in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection s C 550 Cessna Citation and… … Wikipedia
APG-63 and APG-70 — AN/APG 63 and AN/APG 70 are designations for a family of all weather multimode radar systems designed by Hughes Aircraft (now Raytheon) for the F 15 Eagle air superiority fighter, providing the Eyes of the Eagle .These X band pulse doppler radar… … Wikipedia
APG-68 — The AN/APG 68 radar is a solid state long range (up to 300 km) Pulse doppler radar designed by Westinghouse (now Northrop Grumman) to replace AN/APG 66 radar in the F 16 Fighting Falcon. The AN/APG 68 radar system consists of the following line… … Wikipedia
APG-68 — Das AN/APG 68 (JETDS Bezeichnungssystem) ist ein Radarsystem für das Jagdflugzeug F 16C/D Fighting Falcon. Es wird von dem US Konzern Northrop Grumman seit 1988 produziert, wobei bis 2002 über 2.900 Geräte ausgeliefert wurden. Inhaltsverzeichnis… … Deutsch Wikipedia
APG-65 and APG-73 — The AN/APG 65 and AN/APG 73 are designations for a family of all weather multimode airborne radar systems designed by Hughes Aircraft (now Raytheon) for the F/A 18 Hornet, and used on a variety of fighter aircraft types. The APG 79 is an upgraded … Wikipedia
APG-81 — Infobox Radar name = AN/APG 81 caption = country = United States introdate = number = type = Solid state active electronically scanned array (AESA) frequency = range = altitude = diameter = azimuth = elevation = precision = power = The AN/APG 81… … Wikipedia
APG-79 — The AN/APG 79 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar is a new development for the United States Navy s F/A 18E/F Super Hornet and EA 18G Growler aircraft, providing enhanced reliability and a high level of aircrew situational awareness … Wikipedia