ISG may refer to:

* Interface Systems Group a software house based in India & UK that provides solutions for the Travel and Hotel Industry.]
* Imaging Solutions Group an imaging firm that designs and manufactures digital cameras and imaging systems.]
* International School Groningen an international school in Groningen, current programme of the school is IBMYP
* Indian School Al Ghubra, a K-12 school in Muscat, Oman
* Information Security Group, ISG is one of the largest academic security groups in the world
* Institut Superieur de Gestion, a renowned business school in Paris, France.
* Interactive Storytelling Game, a type of role-playing game
* Interferon-Stimulated Genes, genes whose transcription is stimulated by interferons
* International Socialist Group, a democratic revolutionary socialist group in Britain
* International Solutions Group, a strategic consulting company
* International Steel Group, a steel company headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio.
* International Support Group, a non-profit professional association registered in the Netherlands
* Interactive Support Group, a defunct CD-I development company
* Iraq Study Group, a 2006 Congressionally-appointed panel charged with assessing the situation in Iraq, also known as the Baker-Hamilton Commission
* Iraq Survey Group, the 2003-2005 investigative mission in the Iraqi WMD search program that produced the Duelfer Report
* International School of Gemology, an internet based educator of gemology founded by Robert James FGA GG in 2004.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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